Jack looked at the girl that had coming running to then noise, and he thought, [i]Well..fuck[/i]. Alyx, a small girl compared to his stature, was considered by some to be the group's leaders. He wasn't really well acquainted with her. They've had only had a few conversations before, and those were mostly about his past. She made sure that Jack knew he wasn't going to be doing that kind of stuff anymore. Not while he was a member of her group. He did, however, know that she was a lightning user. A deadly power if used by the right person. The thought brought Jack back to his past, he had fought a lightning user once. Nearly cost him his life. Alyx was different than that person though; certainly not as kill-happy as he was. Alyx was tense when she got on scene. Her were scanning the forest for potential threats. Jack could tell her mind was racing through every possibility. "What happened?" The question came quickly, he could tell she was anticipating a fight. "Relax, Boss. Just another bad dream." He tried to give a reassuring smile, but it came out crooked and awkward. He stood and stretched his body, seeming like a tower compared to her. That is, until he was done stretching and his back was hunched over again - eye level now. "Got any ideas for where we're going now?" He asked, trying to change the subject. "I like the wilderness and all, but sleeping in the rain sucks." He semi-joked while looking up at the dark clouds.