An outstretched hand fell down to cover Julian’s face as he groaned out quietly to drive away the lingering traces of the night’s deep sleep. The noise cut off as he muttered, [b]“Just a moment longer…”[/b] in a disappointed tone. Of course with those spoken words, so did he notice the silence that had replaced the constant sound of both distant and close machinery. As his hand moved away Julian’s eyes narrowed at the sight of an unfamiliar ceiling before he sat up and scanned the unrecognizable room. [i]‘So it’s finally happened,’[/i] he thought to himself as he slid himself off the bed and shivered a bit at the cold flooring under his feet. He’d tossed the idea back and forth a bit after the strange dreams had began, but after a few months he’d dismissed it. Yet here it was rearing its ugly head in reality as if to laugh at him. [i]‘Wonder what organization it is?’[/i] The thought bounced around in his mind as he examined the furnishings in the room. The pieces of furniture were normal as far as he could tell and even the cabinets were empty which made Julian question their placement. The doors were disappointing since one didn’t even have a handle and looked to be remotely controlled while the other led to a bathroom. He did however use the facilities provided and grabbed the placed clothes as he left the white tiled room. By the time he’d closed the door the TV screen in the corner turned on and a recorded message began to play. He glanced down at the uniform and scowled a bit before he turned his attention back to the television. [i]‘Tacky.’[/i] He didn’t think anyone could blame him either since the clothes were basically what the doctors and nurses wore in hospital during operations with a tacky 1 printed on it. When the TV turned off at last he glanced around in thought before he decided to just get it over with. Not entirely comfortable with the thought of simply shedding his clothes, he slipped the rather baggy scrubs on over what he’d worn to bed. It didn’t exactly look nice, but it wasn’t as if he gave two shits about anyone’s opinion at the moment. A bit of grey cotton and the top of his cargo pants could be seen, but apparently it was fine as the security lock disengaged nonetheless. It didn’t take long for him to reach the designated cafeteria given the directions had been clear and everything was clearly marked. He wasn’t all too surprised that he wasn’t the first to arrive given he hadn’t really hurried, really he’d moved more at a leisurely pace. Taking the closest seat to the entrance, he noted that he looked to be one of the older individuals here, but otherwise simply waited for things to move on ahead.