Bo was preparing the Ordon Shield. It was, honestly, not the greatest example of craftmanship in the history of the world, but the ornamental goat drawing on it was pretty cool. Honestly, it was really just something to hang on the wall. Suddenly, he heard a voice call out. "Bo!" He turned around, surprised. He then recognized the Goron. It was Duncan! He said "Oh? Are you now? I'll tell you what-let me get Link here ready, and I'll set up the ring for you. We can have a match for everyone in town to see!" Ilia's tending to Epona, when she notices an injury on the Horse. She frowns and says "Link! You gave poor Epona this jumping fences all night, didn't you!?". In truth, the injury to Epona was sustained when Link went to find Talo when he got lost in the forest the other day. Bo tries to explain and says "Ilia, please-" Ilia interrupts and says "Father, how can you be so easy on him? You're the mayor, so start acting like one!" She then takes the horse off to the spring in order to get it healed. Rusl does a facepalm and says "We...we need that horse in order to make the delivery... See if you can't talk some sense into that girl." Shad sighs and turns to Link. "Ah, Women. Can't live with them, can't live without them". He chuckles.