Her Majesty of the Noble Ashworth name frantically and eagerly pointed at the restaurant that stood before them. "All you can eat!?" She smiled ear to ear as she glanced down at Sir MacCabe, "Do you know what this means!?" The heavily armored pompadour man gave a shrug. [color=a0410d]"Gonna get grub that'll be-"[/color] Gwendolyn interrupted, "We're gonna be dealing with adverse selection. Sir Garret doesn't need to eat, but more likely than not we are going to have to pay for his seat. So more likely than not, we'll be charged for the full four." She shook her head as her long white flowing locks flew from side to side. "But that isn't the point. What matters is we can beat the system." Sir MacCabe just stared at his liege incredulously, not getting her point. But Sir Attwatter gave a simple nod. [color=007236]"Yes, that we can your Majesty."[/color] The robotic knight focused its visual receptors on Sir MacCabe and spoke up. [color=ec008c]"Statement: Sir MacCabe does not realize the economical benefit we can achieve in this. While it is not moneta-"[/color] Gwendolyn began ineffectually slamming her hand against the robotic knight's carapace. "No, I'm going to explain it, you aren't!" She continued to smack at Sir Garret [color=ec008c]"Statement: Order received. I shall not explain."[/color] Gwendolyn paused as she glanced at her hands, slightly reddened. "Oooowwwwie! Owwww!" Sir Attwatter immediately turned his attention to her, [color=007236]"My Majesty, you shouldn't do such things. We can't have you hurt yourself."[/color] Gwendolyn continue to frown in pain when she noticed that Sir Attwatter was startled as she immediately changed it into a soft smile. "Sir Attwatter your concern is kind, and yes my actions there [i]were[/i] in fact foolish. At least I got that out of the system before engaging with negotiations. If I did that in Court, it would be an embarrassment to Ashworth name! It could scare off potential forces that I would need to recruit." She shook her head again. "Now then, I shall explain as all the members of the court do not realize what a situation we are in." She raised her right index finger as she spoke up. "The adverse selection comes from undesirable results for the company, when they access to different information, than the consumer. Buffets are perfect examples of this. They have the standard rate of let's say X, for all you can eat. However, if more undesirables show up the rate would have to go above X because they'd lose money. If they eat exactly X they retain a stagnate zero. Oddly, most people who go do not consume beyond X, but under it. Normally for other corporations you can do say, screenings to test to see if they will be profitable to you. But for a Buffet it isn't really possible to do that. So what we need to do, is eat the amount of food beyond X, possibly save it if we have access to mobile refrigeration, so we get the most benefit for our money." Sir MacCabe just gave a slow nod to Gwendolyn. [color=a0410d]"So, you're just saying to eat a lot?"[/color] Gwendolyn paused as she huffed out, "I liked it better the way I phrased it. ...Hmph! As long as we, as a group, eat more than X, then we should be fine." And so the organization headed into the establishment, ready to 'play the system' for the Queen.