[quote=@Leodiensian] Definitely interested. Few questions: 1. Characters or Houses? That is, are we going to be playing individuals or more along the lines of a nation-ish RP? 2. Canon, semi-canon or non-canon? That is, are we going to be play with the normal houses and timeline, slightly tweaked versions or a strange alternate dimension where the Ironborn aren't utter drek? [/quote] 1. Both. This caters to both sorts of roleplay, though I have to say it is heavily focused on the character aspect. 2. We always stick to the canon we know. Actually, I should say we start from the canon we know and go from there. It will definitely not be where we end. [quote=@Winston Smith] Oh god yes. The timeframe that has always fascinated me are the the years after the settlement by the Andals (and the Rhoynar) but before the arrivals of those pesky purple eyed freaks (jk some of them were cool-I'm looking at you Aemon and Jahaerys). The possibilities are virtually limitless as little is concrete about this massive era giving us tons of room to experiment. Just my two pennies. [/quote] I have considered this, but I fear it might take us too far from what we know. A decentralised Westeros (more than it already is otherwise) could keep people to isolated. In addition, there is just so much unknown. I agree that it creates opportunity, but I am a bit iffy about it.