[@TomeBinder] The 10-tier system that has been the standard go-to in previous incarnations of various persistent arena rps is a very solid choice if you're going for a wide selection of diverse characters of varying power levels. However, in my experience, it quickly becomes very difficult to arrange fights between characters when the gap between characters fluctuate a lot, which is common. I couldn't find a written example of the 10-tier system, but here's the jist of it; the power level of a character decides which tier he's in. An average human with little to no combat abilities would be tier 1 (or 0, depending on who you ask), and an all-powerful god(mod) would be 10. If I remember correctly, Superman and Goku sits at a strong 8, Batman (comic version) at a 4, and everything else is in-between. Most fights tends to happen around tier 4-6. There's some more details around it, but at the end of the day, the tier system is only there to categorize power levels. The upside of using it as a categorizing utility, is that most people on this site is at least slightly familiar with the different tiers, and will very easily adjust according to your wishes based on it. If you end up going for it, I suggest sticking to one or two tiers to avoid power gaps, unless you want that. Tier 3 to 5 tends to have the largest diversity of characters. ---- I just realized I've been spurting out a lot of trivia and opinions in the past few posts. Apologies if it seems a bit much. Been around to see the coming and going of a few of these, so I figured I'd share some observations.