An alien expression found itself on Alexis’ face. Her lips pursed together, cheeks lightly puffed out as her brows dipped down in an expression of displeasure. She was pouting, yes, pouting at the fact that her target had been moved beyond her grasp. No one had ever come between a foe and her like this, tucking her under one arm and telling her to “not make any rash decisions.” Were she able, she would have reached over and tried to take the pixiebot again out of spite. Unfortunately, however, she realized that her newly awakened body was not keen on moving. If Zac hadn’t pushed her back, she probably would have been stuck there on top of him. It hadn’t exactly been a calculated move, but what else was she supposed to do? When there was a robot in the area, it was destroy or be broken to pieces. “Robots cannot feel pain.” Alexis sullenly glared at Zac, then at the hand which held the pixiebot. “You should at least remove its wings and wireless receiver so it cannot conduct reconnaissance or escape.”