Ronin dragged the prisoner along the edge of the alley, ignoring his timidity and unwillingness to come with her. The cloaked man followed but had yet to say anything and his hood obscured most of his face. At the end of the alley, there was a side door that led into a nearby tavern. She went through and spoke for a moment with the bartender before he let the three of them slip to the backroom. The room was stacked with boxes upon boxes of unopened wine and barrels of ale. Ronin visibly relaxed but was still on her guard. "Help me move these crates." she said, throwing herself against one and pushing it aside. Three more crates later and, voila! Underneath was a trapdoor. "This leads to an old tunnel underneath the streets. The people I work for used it to sneak in and out of this part of Vecafan without being found. I guess you could call us an underground operation but I don't think you'd take kindly to my cheap humor." she opened the dusty trapdoor to reveal a moulding wooden ladder. Along the tunnel, Ronin was silent to match the others so it felt less like an escape and more like a funeral march they were walking. At long last, they broke from the dark and cam eout into another building entirely. The walls were a dark gray and the floor was cement. It was chilled and dotted with various mismatched tables and chairs. There were a few people milling about but they paid the three no mind. Ronin turned to her escapees and threw her arms wide. "Welcome to the House!"