Waking up in the morning was something Miriam had always seen as lackluster and overall a let down compared to the life she was able to lead at night. She went from smoke throwing superhuman woman to someone who was literally on their deathbed. It was... it was an experience to live lives so hot and cold, so far from one another. Well, at least now something interesting happened, because when her eyes thankfully opened, she was in a place that was completely different than the hospital she had been in before. It was still a hospital, but it was... well, it wasn't the hospital she'd been in the day before. She had entered the late stages of her aliment and had been moved to different hospitals in her sleep several times. She probably didn't have much time left now. Was this hospice? She found herself wondering why she even cared at this point. The TV flickered on, to show some nerd in glasses that began explaining the situation to her over some automated message, then promptly told her where to go. Her eyes narrowed and she promptly gave the TV screen the middle finger as it turned off. She lifted herself up on her elbows, but broke out into a coughing fit, and one of the service bots that were mentioned quickly stepped into the room to her aid. "How may I be of assistance?" it questioned. Miriam said nothing, instead she pointed to the garbage can, which the robot grabbed and brought over to her. She pulled it from the robot's grasp and promptly threw up into it. There was no real volume to it, as she had been on an IV for months now and hadn't eaten anything in a long time, but this happened every now and again. "Command, bring water and the clothes supplied from the bathroom." she said. The robot promptly turned and walked off to do as it was told. She had been around these service bots for a long time now, and knew how to talk to them and what they could do, at least she did if these bots were anything like those in the hospital's. The robot returned with a glass of water, which she downed rather quickly in an attempt to wash out the taste of stomach acid from her mouth. When she finished, she took the scrubs. "Command, bring me a wheel chair." she said. The robot left the room, and she used this opportunity to get dressed while the robot was gone, pulling her red scrubs on while laying down, as she lacked the strength to stand. When the robot returned, she went through the daily protocol of sliding off the bed and into the chair. The robot detached her IV and other medical equipment that she was hooked up to to take with them. "Command," she began, waiting until the service bot finished moving her stuff. "Take me to the cafeteria." [hr] When she was wheeled into the cafeteria, she noticed a few people that were talking and overall doing nothing notable. Everyone was in their own little world. Everyone seemed to be waiting for something or another. "Well gee guys thanks, I had no idea I had an audience waiting for me." Miriam said to no one in particular, but out loud as the service bot wheeled her into the room and to the tables. Henry, who was in his seat away from everyone else, looked up as someone actually made an attempt to be social. He slid off the chair and into his weight, shuffling over to the tables that the others were at. "Hey-yy everyone." He said, stuttering some. These people were all much older than him. Most seemed to be in their twenties. Shit. "My name's Henry. I, uh, I've been here for a few weeks now so I know my way around if any of you get lost in this uh, maze." he said, snapping his hands and giving them the double gun fingers. It was very obvious he was not very good at this and he was a fairly awkward child. But he was brave. "You all are going to be meeting Eli soon and..." He began. "Well, lets just say that he's going to tell you something that's going to blow your minds and... well, I look forward to working with you." Miriam crossed her arms and raised what would be her eyebrows (if she had any hair). This kid was and beta-alpha or just brave and stupid. One of the two. "Miriam's the name. You probably wont be around me long enough for you to wear it out." she said flatly. "Where the hell am I?" she said, following up on her last question. Henry simply shrugged and gave a small smile. He willed himself not to say anything about Miriam' current position. She was probably very aware of it and pointing it out would probably make it worse. "I'm pretty sure all of your questions will be answered better by Eli than by me." he finished. "So, just hold off. He should be here any moment. He's probably talking to his bosses."