Lenora had been busy exploring the cafeteria when the obviously seriously ill girl was wheeled in. So far she hadn't found anything particularly useful or informative; she was hoping to find some quality flatware sooner rather than later. Likely it would just be forks, spoons, and butter knives, but a fork could be pretty dangerous in the right hands. Like, say, hers. "We weren't waiting for you," Nora said bluntly, loud enough to be clearly heard, and went back to her snooping. Bobby was paying more attention to the fat kid. He seemed more confident than anyone else, and had apparently been here for a while. He seemed pretty well adjusted. That was a positive sign. "Hi Henry, Miriam, Malcolm," he said, smiling as non-threateningly as possible. There seemed to be an awful lot of unaccompanied minors here. "I'm Bobby. Do your parents know you're here? Or is night-time abduction the standard way people get here?" He extended his hand to Henry and Malcolm in turn, then crouched down to offer a handshake at eye level to Miriam. "Can you, uh, shake hands?" he questioned awkwardly, eyeing the various tubes and... medical things. He straightened back up. "I think I know what's going on here. We're werewolves, right? I mean, were-things. Can you guys all turn into monsters in your dreams too?" He directed that question at the room at large. Nora snorted and didn't bother to reply.