Well. Depends on how the person is lost. There are parts where roleplaying games and video games make obvious differences. Even if we're fighting on a Fire Emblem map, we'll be fighting using our words, meaning someone might die should their neck be sliced, or they might suffer a wound they cannot continue fighting due to and be carried off the battle-field to fight another day. We have healing staffs, and those we can assume can fix any wound as long as the target isn't already dead. I am not intending on being horribly mean with lethal opponents and such, even if there is the permadeath thing Fire Emblem isn't considered a dark/brutal world so to say, and yeah. I'm not going to be all that cruel, assuming you aren't idiots. Though, should the worst happen on some left turn or such, I will allow the player to create another character should they desire to. 'Cause yeah, why not?