He was inclined to scoff at the kid’s implication that this Eli’s “revelation” would blow their minds, but then again the teenager didn’t even look old enough to drive. To be granted the chance to fight back whatever monsters wanted to rip their way into their world would have been mind-blowing he supposed had he not figured it out a few weeks after the dreams had begun. It seemed that at least a couple of the others were at least interested in what the other boy had to say, and he stood from his seat to make his way over to the slowly forming group. Suspicions and theories he had, some of which looked to be practically confirmed, but asking the people in question would likely be for the best. [b]“Not really, I throw lightning around,” [/b]he said in response to the older blonde as he nodded to the others around. [b]“We’ve been split into three distinct groups,” [/b]Julian continued as he gestured towards the colored scrubs since there was at least one of each color in those around Henry. [b]“That aside, if anyone’s followed the situation, it’s clear there’s three distinct type of attackers. Likely, three different locations where each strain resides, since I’ve only ever seen the first type in my dreams. That correct so far Henry?” [/b]While confident in being correct, the other boy did seem to have the explanations from Eli already.