[hider=Cara Varnham] [b]NAME:[/b] Cara Varnham [b]AGE:[/b] 21 [b]GENDER:[/b] Female [b]ZONE:[/b] 3 [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Coming from a militaristic background, as you can imagine, Cara has a strictly no-bullshit personality. She has little tolerance for idiocy or foolishness, although she will readily come to assistance in the time of need. She enjoys working with machinery and the likes, and is incredibly well versed on the inner workings of most machines. Cara tends to be somewhat lax around her closest friends. Although on occasion, her sanity tends to be questionable. [b]HISTORY:[/b] Cara Varnham lived a fairly normal life. She grew up in Colorado, in a family with a long miltary history. She ended up being a bit of a child prodigy in school, and she was introduced to machinery at an early age, taking a vivid interest in it. Throughout school Cara was never hugely popular, although she always had a small group of friends she enjoyed being around. During high school, she offered to work on classmate’s vehicles for a lower price to pay for her college tuition. However, at the age of 19, Cara was involved with a serious car accident. Her vehicle was T-boned at an intersection due to a drunk driver. She was hospitalized with a broken leg, and various lacerations on her left side and face, leaving her blind in her left eye. After recovering, Cara began suffering from various nightmares. She currently lives in an apartment in Boulder, working as a mechanic while meeting with a psychiatrist once a week. [b]APPEARANCE[/b] [list][*][b]PHYSICAL:[/b] Cara sports a tall, slim figure, although deceptively strong for her size, with dark brown eyes and long, tangerine colored hair that goes down to her midsection. While her hair typically covers it, if you happen to see her left eye, you will find that it is white and milky, and she cannot see through it. She has slightly tanned white skin with scars on her left side, as well as a slim waist and a noticeable bust. [*][b]IN-ZONE:[/b] When in the Zone, Cara’s nexus appearance, from a distance, does not look different from her own self outside of the Zone. However, upon closer inspection, one will find an ethereal white mist coming from her left eye. When in her Nexus form Cara is seen wearing a basic hoodie and jeans combo. However, in her REM form, Cara’s appearance differs far from her normal form. The entire left side of her body is mechanical, while she is able to manipulate the form of her left arm. The mist from her left eye is far stronger now, with various glowing white lines advancing from it on her skin. She still wears the same hoodie and jeans combo from her nexus form, however when it reaches the left side of her body it is torn up in various places. [/list] [b]POWERS[/b] [list] [*][b]NEXUS:[/b] When in her nexus form, Cara is able to manipulate her own blood as a weapon. This means, the more she becomes injured, and the more she bleeds, the more power Cara has to work with in her Nexus form. She can use her blood to perform kinetic based attacks, peircing based attacks, or defensive measures such as a shield. [*][b]REM:[/b] When in her REM form, Cara is capable of morphing her left arm mechanically. This allows her to do various things such as create walls, shields, traps, and more. Her ability to manipulate her own blood is more powerful as well, allowing her to perform something as simple as ensnaring her enemies, or a sort of surfboard for her to ride on. [/list] [b]OTHER:[/b] Nothing significant. [/hider]