<> The Quarian in the corner held a quiet conversation with the digital projection of a dancing, cartoon-style Rachni coming from his omni-tool. Suen tottered unevenly on odd legs, his red-purple chitin vivid technicolour shades. Only Davo could hear Suen's side of the conversation, relayed to him through his suit's internal electronics via AR layering. Davo had taken the most defensible position he could have in the bar, a corner seat in a booth near the door so he'd have plenty of room to bolt if things went south. He didn't care for places like this; they were always crowded and loud. Even through the muffling of his suit, they'd pulse music so hard it blasted away all his resolve. But this place was smaller, quieter, not so crowded. But a place like this was a place like this and he was never quite comfortable. It felt like he was sitting on a hot plate. "Mm." He called up an AR keyboard and began typing away quickly in mid-air. The program was checking in on some of the automated cooking he'd left behind him in his home base. Free Will wasn't expensive to get materials for but it was tricky ot get just right if you didn't pay it heed. After checking the temperature gauges were nominal and the pressures were all in acceptable parameters, Davo wiped away the screens and moved on to another program. This was more blue-sky stuff, drawing chemical signs with his finger tips, testing bonds and trying to extrapolate end-results from there. Assume a precursor material of medi-gel, standard-issue civilian-grade packs (contains enough complex neuro-active ingredients for value; opiate painkillers, adrenal stimulants, nano-active colonies) Boil down to base components, add.. <> Suen intervened to jolt Davo out of his little trance with a subtle electric shock delivered subcutaneously via his cybernetic implants. <> "I never programmed profanity into you. Where did that come from?" He murmured softly to himself and quashed Suen's projection, though the VI's rant continued inside his ears without visual accompaniment. He was taking in the scenery, really he'd never stopped, but now he was really looking instead of just seeing. Turians, an asari, humans. Not a hugely different demographic than the Omega populace averages, given the sample size, though one whole asari in the group worked out to be a statistical over-representation. She only needed forty percent of her mass, to compensate. Replace the remaining biomass with vorcha and the room would come closer to average. <> "Unlikely, based on previous empirical evidence." He sighed and twitched again.