Isabelle turned around at the sight of a stranger who apparently knew her. At first she felt a bit tense and uncomfortable, especially given her occupation and what it sometimes entailed. However she knew that there was no chance in hell this dude was going to do jack squat to her in this open scenario so it just made it slightly more awkward than usual. "Well yeah my name is Isabelle. As for your wounds...uh sure I suppose. I hope those two jar heads didn't cause you that much trouble Mr. Whoever." she said as she pulled out her staff and breathed in deeply. She knelt down on her knees and brought her staff forward. She closed her eyes peacefully and the area around her felt somehow lighter once she did so. She mouthed words but didn't say them aloud or even actually speak them for that matter. She was simply just reciting a passage mentally as she had before so many times done. Suddenly a light from the staff lit up with a bluish aura and a sense of serenity passed through Matthew. It felt as if a current of water was flowing through his body and suddenly any aches and pains vanished within a moment as Isabelle stopped mouthing the words. Isabelle stood up and smiled at the stranger. "Alright. That should do it big guy! I even threw in a bit extra to get rid of any fatigue you might have had! I don't know all this stuff about monks and whatever, and I don't frankly care to know, but I believe that for charges rendered about...200 gold is fair I'd think." Isabelle said as she tapped her staff on the ground. "But hey at least your body should be feeling better right?"