[center] +[b]HIKARU[/b]+ With his vision obscured and the nauseating feeling in his stomach, Hikaru was practically helpless. If Shinji hadn't stepped in when he did, then the young persona user would probably be dead. He was brought back to reality when he felt Shinji try to move him out of the way and then fall back into him when he was hit with the beam. Before he even knew what was happening, he grabbed hold of Shinji's shoulders to steady him, although he felt like falling over himself. " Shinji!" He had no clue what was going on but his best bet would be that the shadow had attacked him. He could hear Kimiko's worried voice beside him and it sounded like shit was getting real. Sunako had informed them that the shadow's armor was weak now and although the others could take care of the shadow, Hikaru felt like he needed to help some more. +[b]MOMO[/b]+ " Fuck!" Momo, like the others, went to Shinji's side, the grip on his new weapon tightening. While Hikaru and Kimiko were at Shinji's side, Momo stood infront of him, just incase the shadow tried to attack again. He held the sword out infront of him , ready to attack if needed, but Sunako's words rang throughout his head. He could use magic! Bringing his evoker up to his head, he pulled the trigger and the girlish man appeared once more. " Magaru!" He ordered the persona. Narcissus lifted his hands and summoned wind, attacking the shadow like before, but this time it worked. The shadow let out a shriek and backed off, it's amorphic body heading towards the dorm. With the shadow gone, Momo turned behind him to his fallen friend. " Hey, you okay?" he asked, looking Shinji over. He was awake and conscious, but Momo knew that something was off. " Where does it hurt?" +[b]HIKARU[/b]+ By then, Hikaru's vision had cleared up some and he was finally able to understand what was going on. " You going to be okay?" He asked Shinji, guilt filling his mind. He knew that Shinji had gotten hurt because of him and knowing that hurt him alot more then if he was the one who had gotten hit. When Momo joined them, he looked up. " Where's the shadow?" Momo then explained and Hikaru turned around in an instant- maybe too fast because he felt all the blood drain from his face - and looked towards the dorm. If that shadow was going to the dorm with only Sunako and Kenji to protect it, he knew that things would end up bad. " Stay here with Shinji, I'll send Sunako to help when I'm finished." He told Momo and Kimiko. With a shaky hand, Hikaru pushed the evoker against his head and summoned his persona. The demon appeared for the third time and it reached down, picking his redhaired master up and headed towards the dorm. The persona was apart of him, so it understood where Hikaru wanted to be. " Just hold on Kenji, I'm coming." He muttered, the persona quickening it's pace to the dorm. +[b]FLEANCE[/b]+ " Wait, what?" Fleance asked, unable to make sense of Sunako's words. But he didn't get an explanation because she grabbed hold of his wrist and pulled him upstairs. " Ah..." He looked back to his room, uneasy about leaving that weird kid in his room alone, but he couldn't say anything because Sunako was too busy moving them up to the roof. The eccentric kid from earlier was there, sleeping on the shoulders of his....clone? Hm. [i]Twins[/i]. When they were finally on the roof, Lance broke free from Sunako's hold and looked up at the moon. He never saw the moon that color before. It might have just been his eyes...but was it red? How strange..... His stargazing was cut short when something came out of the darkness. It was like a giant blob of darkness, a shadow maybe. Instead of feeling fear from seeing such a monstrosity, Lance only kept staring at it, trying to think things through. As if out of instinct, Lance grabbed the gun from the sleeping kid's pocket, bringing it up to his forehead. He didn't know why he was doing this, he didn't want to die, but it just felt....right. With nothing but pure confidence, he pulled the trigger and he felt a urge of power rush through his body. Instead of a bullet entering his brain, power circulated through his body and he felt something within him unlock. Before him, a small brown bear appeared. It resembled a stuffed bear that he had had as a child and for some reason, Lance knew that it would protect him. Without needing a command, the bear's eyes narrowed at the shadow and it unleashed a powerful magic attack. The shadow screamed in pain and slowly began to turn into dust, floating off into the night sky. After it was over, Lance dropped the gun and the teddy bear disappeared. His legs gave way from beneath him and he fell to the ground. What just happened?[/center]