[CENTER][h3]Oriel[/h3][/CENTER] At the appearance of two naked women in the same cart as them, Oriel merely sighed. She couldn't have cared less that they were part of the council like Ajax, she just had to get it out of her system, or she'd probably explode. [color=ed1c24]"What. The. Fuck. Does people around here actually LIKE going stark naked in public or what the fuck? It must be something in the water, I'm fucking sure. That's why I am sticking to alcohol, I don't want to get fuckin' habits like those."[/color] First there was Gwen, then these two, and something inside herself told her that perhaps Ivory was the same. She was just waiting for a good opportunity to show off her damn body, Oriel was plenty sure of that. [color=ed1c24]"I don't fuckin' like being ordered around by an exhibitionist. My first suggestion as to who the squad leader should be would be me, but I'm plenty sure that'd be a real bad idea, so why not this guy over here?"[/color] Oriel said, pointing at Aiden. [color=ed1c24]"He actually got around me by using tricks and whatnot, so I'm sure he can use his brain a lot more than me."[/color] Though it sounded like she was belittling herself, she still smiled arrogantly. [color=ed1c24]"I can just beat the shit out of anyone who goes against us."[/color] She finished what she had to say about the... rash decision about who should be the squad mate. While Ajax explained his accomplishments, Oriel couldn't help but smile and pass her tongue by her lips. [color=ed1c24]"My, you sound just like my type of man. A little bit more ripe than what I usually like them, but I'm sure we can work something out."[/color] Oriel said, half jokingly half serious. Of course, while the knowledge of him being a Dragon Slayer would usually come to anyone as a shock (they were plenty rare in their time), now it didn't even surprise her anymore. [color=ed1c24]"Oh, is that so?"[/color] She turned her head to see what Ajax was pointing at, but at the same moment, the gal Stacy came in, and her happy expression dropped. It was the same feeling as she had with Gwen. An odd feeling of nostalgia that she couldn't quite point out. And it irritated her. [color=ed1c24]"Yeah, that's us. I actually prefer going dressed with shit like that than not going dressed at all."[/color] She said, looking away from her. It was something really stupid, complaining about that when she was plenty sure that she'd probably not have them on by the end of the day. [color=ed1c24]"Oriel Assier, if you must know. Fire mage, badass fighter and better than you in every and any way until proven wrong. Nice to meet you."[/color] Being plenty more aggressive than before, it seemed obvious that something was troubling her, even if she didn't want to admit it. [hr] [CENTER][h3]Ivory[/h3][/CENTER] After being used as a stepping stone, Ivory decided it'd be better not to just barge into the fight of the muscle brain and just stay in the sidelines for the time being. Of course, she didn't really expect that the muscle brain's battle would be ended so... easily. It wasn't something she'd expect out of someone of Vyper Bolt. They were enemies in their same footing. Ivory might be extremely rude to them, but if anything, she respected them as fighters. Seen one go down with something as simple as a sword slash... It was a disgrace, for Vyper Bolt and Harpy's Wing both, given that they were defeated by those same guys. Ivory clenched her teeth and was about to get ready for battle when she felt an incredible force and pressure coming from somewhere else. Turning her head to see who the hell was it that was doing such a thing, and it was Nathan. After Brad arrived at the scene and took Sai out of the way, it seemed he was about to get serious. Even Ivory knew it wasn't a good idea to go against one of the musclehead kings. Then, she'd provide support at the best of her abilities. Disappearing with a poof, her voice, though distorted and ghastly, echoed through the place they were. [B]"I have your back, musclebrain."[/B] The fact that she had used her takeover didn't mean she was any less rude towards them, nor the fact that she was helping him.