Travelling to the prison castle, or at least what was left of the prison castle, was a rather uneventful trip. Something Laurena was perfectly fine with, the excitement would come when they entered the dungeon. They had even passed by a small stream, although none of the others had shared her enthusiasm about finding it, making the party keep moving without a proper analyses. Laurena's perturbation vanished as the ruins came into view. The tower was no longer standing proud, as some had claimed. Crumbling stones and creeping vegetation was the only hint that a proud structure once stood here. An excited look in her eyes, Laurena hurried to the fallen stones, running her hands above the rock and whispering words of detection. The stone responded with a faint glow in some places, but quickly faded. There had been some magical attempts to reinforce the stones, yet they had obviously failed. Still, magic used here likely meant more used below. All the more reason to delve deeper then. Laurena's companions put forth their opinions of how best to enter the castle. Although she wasn't fond of the idea of breaking through the ruins, nature did seem to have done most of the work already. The wall, or what was left of it, was riddled with holes and it would be trivial to pass through one of them. [b]"That gap to the left looks fairly passable."[/b] Laurena said, gesturing towards where a tree had helped displace stone in its death. [b]"Though I am loath to miss whatever architecture may be left of the entrance. As far as going down, I can detect any remaining magic, though I'm not sure about more...conventional traps. I'd prefer to stay somewhere up front so none of you trip anything nasty."[/b]