[center]SHOU && DAISUKE " Ahahaha what do you mean it hates you?" Daisuke laughed warmheartedly as he continued to pet the duck soothingly on the head. " Of course he doesn't hate you! A sweet little duck like this couldn't hate anyo-" Sadly, he was cut off by the duck catapulting itself out of his grasp and onto Shou. " No!! Ducky!! Don't do it!" He pleaded, trying to get a hold of the wounded animal but with no luck. Shou, on the other hand, was having a worse time since he was on the receiving end of the duck's wrath. For a while there he had actually thought that he would get out of this without having any trouble, but that proved to be just wishful thinking when the duck unexpectedly left Daisuke's grasp to try to attack him. Now, Shou had been the zodiac's doctor for quite sometime now, and should be used to an animal attack by now. But he was still just a human, and like anyone else, reacted badly to a crazed duck flying at him. " OH MY GODDDD, OH MY GOD GET THIS THING OUT OF MY HAIR BEFORE I KILL IT!!!" It seemed like the duck had been going for his hands, trying to bite them, but in the process had gotten caught in Shou's magnificently long hair. The more the duck flapped it's injured wing, the more it got caught in his strands of hair. Luckily Daisuke had gotten hold of the duck's lower half so it wouldn't fall (and bring Shou along with it) but that didn't stop the duck from trying to bite him. " Daisukeeeeee!!! Get him off!!!" Shou pleaded, trying to pull away from the duck. But the more he pushed back, the more tangled his hair would become, making it harder for Daisuke to pull the duck off. He even tried to pry the duck off using his own two hands, but when his fingers got close, the duck clamped down on them like some kind of pitbull and wouldn't let go. Shou let out a screech. Not only was the duck ruining his hair, but now he was trying to bite his fingers off too?? " You ungrateful little beast!! You bite me after all I did for you?!! See if I ever help you again!!" Meanwhile, Daisuke was desperately apologizing to Shou while simultaneously trying to pull the duck away without hurting either one of them. He almost cried when he saw the duck bite down on Shou's fingers. " Noooooo! We don't bite people in this house Ducky! It's one of the rules!" He moved with Shou the further back he went, trying to keep the duck from falling, and was so distracted that he didn't see chair leg in his path. His feet tripped over it and sent him tumbling to the ground, the duck and Shou following after him. " Ow, ow, ow." He whined as he picked himself off the floor. His wrist had broken his fall, but in return it was red and puffy, possibly sprained. But he couldn't focus on that now due to Shou threatening to murder the duck, who still hadn't let go, even after the fall. " I swear if it doesn't let go I'm going to cut it's little neck off!! Akiza, get me a knife from the kitchen!!!" " Shou noooooo!!!! Aren't you a doctor?! You save things, not kill them!!" Daisuke cried out, pulling the duck closer. It was then that Daisuke heard footsteps coming down the stairs and he looked up from where he sat on the floor, seeking any kind of help he could get. " Reiko!" He cried, almost forgetting that she had been over to study with Giima, " You have to help me, Shou's gone mad! He wants to kill Ducky! We have to stop him!!"[/center]