[center]---[b]Rena Falkren[/b]---[/center] [center]---[b]20ish Years old[/b]---[/center] [center]---[b]Current Information[/b]---[/center] Rena is the only daughter to the Falkren family, the currently leading monarchy in Eskar. Started traveling with Ichitatsu Noboyuki as the acting guide on the quest to defeat the Demon King. [hider=Appearance][img]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n54/Kaloray/anime%20girls/supposedly%20normal%20people/princess.jpg[/img][/hider] So yeah, bare bones was right for sure, but my plan is to update her information as we continue on, think I mentioned this before. Eventually I plan for a little saga to be recorded here, neat thing to recount what's happened from her perspective in some kind of a journal format, guess think of the end result as a storybook more than anything.