[CENTER][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/2yvufz8.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]| NAME(S): |[/B] Edrenn [i]"Ed"[/i] Haegar [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B] N/A [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| D.O.B.: |[/B] 30th of October, 1992 [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| AGE: |[/B] 23 [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| SEX: |[/B] Male [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| SEXUALITY: |[/B] Heterosexual [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| APPEARANCE: |[/B] Standing roughly at 5'9" in height and weighs at about 154 lbs, Ed is somewhat average in terms of body frame and is already contented by that fact alone. Although not entirely muscular or athletic, Ed would still find time to go out and exercise as he is quite aware that doing so would certainly promote a healthy lifestyle. There are also times when he can be excessively lazy but those come out only on certain occasions when college work had brought him to his exhausted state. Ed has grey eyes topped with delicately slim eyebrows. His nose is fairly simple in appearance with a slight curve drawing to his thin nose line. His dark blonde hair is always kept at a short length and despite wanting it to grow considerably, he would eventually end up going to the barbershop. As a person who doesn't continuously follow sophisticated fashion trends, Ed would mostly choose any clothing that can match his own convenience. Usually they would be polo shirts, sweatshirts, jeans and anything that ranges to simplicity. Most of the time, he can be seen wearing flat caps of various colors simply because he loves wearing one. Ed would mostly wear the same on certain occasions such as parties, social gatherings and etc. but will dress formally when needed. [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| H-CLASS: |[/B] Neptune [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| ABILITIES: |[/B] Ed has the ability to manipulate the energies travelling through the earth's layers, allowing him to send seismic waves and cause the ground where he's standing on to shake violently for a period of time. Basically, Ed is able to do it with the help of his own energy from his body system. They are somehow magnetically attracted to the earth's energy, allowing him to manipulate their movement and behavior as well as their intensity which also enables him to either reduce or amplify the impact of any forms of ground vibrations he didn't create. The shaking of the ground can be done with the process of accumulating the earth's energies through a medium - which can be any parts of his body (usually his palms or feet). Once they are gathered, Ed must release them all at once in order to create a violent tremor. How long a tremor lasts depends on how much energy Ed had gathered from the earth but it can sometimes last if Ed reaches his limit which is when a large amount of his stamina is drained. Additionally, in terms of application, Ed can also use these energies to plunge himself or anything that has mass up in the air. This is made possible since the energy he is manipulating can send a compelling force powerful enough to drive a particular object up in the sky but the intensity varies depending on the object's weight. The heavier the object, the weaker the propelling force would be. [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| LIMITATIONS: |[/B] [list][*]Ed can only create tremors if his stamina is at full capacity. If ever he has current physical conditions that would affect his stamina such as being tired or exhausted, the intensity of the quakes will be weaker. [*] The tremor is only limited at a certain radius and cannot go beyond three hundred meters unless his physical strength is somehow amplified by a great quantity which would certainly make it possible for him to create quakes reaching beyond the distance of his limit.[/list] [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| WEAKNESSES: |[/B] Strength and physical foundation plays a vital role on utilizing Ed's powers. That being said, in order to manipulate the earth's energies would require Ed to pay a great amount of his stamina. Usually, Ed isn't physically diverse in some aspects and that makes him unable to use his power at its full potential. Also, his current physique limits his control at certain circumstances. This doesn't mean that he is too weak to use his abilities. In fact, he does exhibit a variety of physical workouts every once in a while just to improve himself and tone down his weaknesses. However, he generally finds it difficult most of the time especially when he's at the process of releasing gathered energies to create a tremor. Lastly, creating tremors will leave him exhausted and weary once after the process is done. This is because of the magnetic attraction of the earth's energy to his own which can cause momentary fatigue and severe body aches due to the impact of the earth's energies alone. There are other instances where Ed's body system may undergo into a state of shock or paralysis depending on how much of the Earth's energy he attempted to control. [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| APPLICATIONS: |[/B] [list][*] Can propel self or any object high in the air by enabling seismic force to punch through. [*] Capable of causing immediate destruction such as creating cracks on the ground, destroy buildings and etc. [*] Able to reduce or amplify the impact of naturally-caused tremors by simply taking the present energies to his control. [*] Can easily observe seismic activities on the earth's crust by attracting the earth's energy to his own through magnetism. [/list] [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| SKILLS: |[/B] [b][i]Proficient in Geology:[/i][/b] Ever since the discovery of his powers, Ed was compelled to the studies of earth science - which was significantly connected on how his abilities work. At the age of 11, he started to show utmost interest of the subject and by later years, showed proficiency in terms of application. By this time, Ed acquired an advanced level of knowledge about the earth through casual studying and research, though not in a level as that of a scientist. [b][i]Singing:[/i][/b] A hobby developed since he was at the age of 6. Now at his current age, Ed is capable of reaching certain notes - whether they'd be high or deep - with his voice. Basically, he can sing his favorite songs or others that are popular on the radio and he can do it efficiently, enough to please people who would listen to him sing. [b][i]Public speaking:[/i][/b] Throughout the years in high school and now in college, Ed has been participating multiple events that would involve himself speaking to the masses. He is a trained public speaker and can communicate well with his path of speech. From forums, debates, or student congress, Ed will always find the courage to stand on stage in front of hundreds of people. [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| EQUIPMENT: |[/B] [list][*] Has his own [url=http://static.mumsnet.com/images/reviews/originals/102/125x85xii_15562_1355148338687.jpg.pagespeed.ic.vu63IYw43v.jpg]car[/url] given to him by his father. [*] His day-to-day journals . [*] Different books about debate and public speaking in general. [*] Brass knuckles just in case there's trouble.[/list] [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| BACKSTORY: |[/B] Ed was the only child of Rachel and David Haegar. His father was a well-known hard rock guitarist from a band called Python. They were famous back in the 80s and 90s but unfortunate mishaps between the band members had eventually separated them. Others retired but David pursued his career on being a solo artist. His fame rose in the late 90s which was after giving birth to his first son Edrenn or Ed. In the early 2000s, David and his former band members reunited and with that, they planned a tour for their greatest hits album. Python haven't lost their fanbase even after their breakup since David's solo career helped solidify their fame and promised the fans for a reunion. All went well. In fact, they were surprised after knowing their first concert tours were sold out in the shortest period of time. However, during their road trips, a tragic event forced David to withdraw from the tour and return home to Canada. A phone call from his brother was immediately given to him during their tours and it was about his wife Rachel and his son Ed. Their home back in Vancouver was robbed by unidentified men but the tragic news was the brutal murder of Rachel. Ed was barely alive at that time since he had suffered from multiple injuries. After knowing what happened, David left the tour and rushed home to Canada. David knew what the outcome would be if he left but even that won't stand on his way with his family. The death of Rachel was a severe blow to David and his fame. A month after her burial murder, David retired from his solo career. His abrupt leave from the band's tour filled the fans with rage which contributed to his fame's downfall. But even after his desperate actions, his band members were still supportive and gave their sincerest condolences on behalf of Rachel's death. Ed was still 7 at that time but the scars of what happened remained in the deep seats of trauma. David was worried if it would ever affect his son's growth and that's why he always made sure that Ed becomes active in the outside world and be with other children of his age. By that time, they were already living a normal life. Years had passed and David acquired a job as a music instructor at a local community college. Ed had a fairly normal childhood. Most of the time, he is caught playing Frisbee with his pals and if they couldn't play for a day, he'd go inside of his house to read books or play video games. It was at the age of 11 when Ed started to discover a strange turn to his life. At his school, just after dismissal, Ed had a strange sensation circling around his palms when he touched the ground. He and his friends were playing Frisbee at that time. Then the strange sensation turned into a heavy feeling, like he was about to pull something out from the ground. The next thing he knew, the ground was shaking violently. His classmates ran around in circles, panicking. Most of them were either riddled with fear or confusion. Some of the school's teachers, janitors and etc. rushed to save the students from being injured. An earthquake occurred within several minutes and as it ended, almost every student were seen crying in terror, hoping that a second round will not occur. The strange happening was all over the news but somehow, the authorities figured that the abrupt earthquake happened only at the area of the school. It was a mystery to seismologist as they've investigated. There wasn't even a fault line existing deep within the area. Ed was unconscious after the earthquake but woke up remembering a tiny bit of what had happened. Ed discovered what he was capable of just after doing a second attempt of what he remembered a week after. At first, he was fearful of it, not entirely of the power but also through the weariness it gave once after performing it. Ed wanted to tell it to his father but he'd expect a bewildered reaction that might lead him into trouble. And so after his discovery, he kept it a secret. He continued living his life but considering it normal wasn't a term to describe it anymore. As he grew up, Ed became curiously driven on studying what his powers are and its overall nature. Doing so made him believe that it could help him gain complete control, which he severely lacked. Ed followed the usual path as he turned into a young adult. He left home and went to the University of Toronto in Toronto, Ontario,Canada to pursue his ambitions. However, that didn't stop him from studying his powers. He always kept it at a low profile and from being discovered by anyone. Though he wanted his powers to serve a better purpose rather than destruction, it was proven that finding one was quite difficult. [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| SAMPLE POST: |[/B] The elevator doors slid to a close once the duo took a step inside. Ed turned to see how Robert was behaving, not that he was assuming of a bad intention but rather, check if he was anywhere near serious. Robert noticed Ed's prolonged stare, eventually placing him in an uncomfortable situation. [b]"Your problem?"[/b] Robert asked. His eyes were widely opened, quite puzzled at that moment. [b]"I don't know Rob. It seems that you're planning something which I won't like in the end."[/b] Ed narrowed his eyes with suspicion then looked away from Robert and onto the elevator doors, awaiting for them to open. [b]"It's something that I've been working on for our case study and I'm one hundred percent sure that you'll love it."[/b] Robert said with an unnoticeable sly smile drawing to his expression. Ed uttered an annoyed sigh in response and went silent until the elevator doors opened. Robert came rushing at a slightly faster pace than Ed, walking away from the elevator and straight to his apartment unit. He then turned to Ed who was moving effortlessly, almost as if he was unwilling to participate. [b]"Oh come on."[/b] Robert said exasperatedly. [b]"I'm trying to move faster. My skeptical side is just slowing me down."[/b] [b]"I've been working on this project for almost a week. At least show some interest."[/b] Ed raised his left eyebrow, still riddled with suspicion as he tried to study Robert's words. His blank look was a clear proof to that. [b]"I am. Just..give me a sec."[/b] Ed replied as he kept up. Once he did, Robert resumed his tread but slightly slowing himself down just to make sure Ed won't sneak his way out. After a few minutes of walking, the two had finally arrived at Robert's apartment unit. Robert knocked four times before stepping away from the door. Ed's skepticism grew more as he frowned in focus while pursing his lips in confusion. Knocking would only be logical if there were people inside but to his assumption, there wouldn't be anyone staying inside if Robert was away. Ed knew Robert for quite some time. He was the first student he became friends with when he was a freshman and a part of knowing him was that he disliked dormitories and sharing a room with another person. So it was obviously unnatural for him to knock at the door if he was expecting someone to open it, unless he had visitors. But then again, those would come on rare occasions and there currently weren't any as Ed might have recalled. [b]"Knocking? Are there people inside?"[/b] Ed asked which somehow made Robert uneasy for a moment. He shamelessly forgot that Ed knew how he disliked having visitors. [b]"Uh..."[/b] Robert paused abruptly, smiling sheepishly in front of Ed. [b]"I-It's just a tradition of mine to knock before I go inside. Y'know, just to drive...evil spirits away?"[/b] He then pulled a weak attempt of laughing. Of course, he knew that Ed could easily distinguish it as something he made up. [b]"Evil spirits. Right."[/b] Instead of contradicting Robert, Ed just remained silent but still piling himself up with doubt. As Robert proceeded to turn the doorknob, Ed drummed his fingers on his lap, curious as to what suspicious tricks his friend was pulling out. He had doubts that it was a part of their case study but still had a small fraction of faith that it could be. Once the door opened, Ed stepped in slowly. The room was dim, there were hardly any lights turned on except for a small lamp located at the far side of the room. It was like a scene from a horror movie with a jump scare lingering around and ready to surprise Ed at any moment. By the time he turned his head to his left, the large fluorescent light on the ceiling was lit abruptly. A bush of confetti erupted from party poppers, some making their way and landing on Ed's hair. A group of people then emerged from their hiding places, some from behind the couches and others were under wooden tables. They blew their party horns in unison, all of a sudden holding a celebration that Ed was oblivious of. [b]"Congrats Edrenn!"[/b] A girl who Ed quickly recognized as one of his known colleagues from the University's debate society stood out in the midst of the surprise. Robert placed a hand on Ed's shoulder, trying to clarify his confused state. [b]"Now before you say 'what the fuck is happening', this is just a small celebration I've planned after you won last month's Intercollegiate Public Speaking Competition. I know you've prepared a ton for the event, so here's just a small reward for all of that hard work."[/b] Robert raised his chin as he smiled on Ed's previous success. Ed remained in slight confusion as his jaw still dropped a bit. [b]"Jeez Rob. I don't know what to say. I have to be honest though, I was quite surprised by this."[/b] The pretentious tone of his sarcasm was clearly noticeable but Robert didn't mind. [b]"Yes of course."[/b] Robert then inched himself closer. [b]"There's Tequila sponsored by that girl."[/b] He then pointed to the girl who just mentioned Ed's name. [b]"Oh that's good but I won't be drinking for the next 3 months as a part of my alcohol balance."[/b] Ed replied, refusing to look at the girl Robert has pointed. [b]"Not that crap again. Come on, It's been a week since you've last consumed one."[/b] Ed rolled his eyes in response. [b]"Let's just eat the cake, shall we?"[/b] Annoyed by how Robert constantly insisted on letting him drink, he proceeded to get a slice of the chocolate cake sitting radiantly on the main table. The other guests accompanied him as one handed a bread knife. [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| NOTES: |[/B] [list][*] Ed loves listening to classic hard rock bands such as Aerosmith, AC/DC, Van Halen and etc. They were the inspiration for him to improve his singing. [*] During his spare time, when he's not studying Geology or anything school-related, Ed would grab his electric guitar and just jam to it. [*]Mountain Dew lel [/list][INDENT][/INDENT]