Waking up with a groan, Cara sat up to find herself in an unfamiliar room, rather than her apartment bedroom. Looking around, she found the room did not look unlike that of a hospital, with the bed she was currently sitting on being in the corner, with a desk in the opposite corner, with a door next to it. There was a TV in the upper corner of the room, as well as another door at the end of her bed that did not seem to have a handle. Looking herself over, Cara found she still had the clothes she had fallen asleep in the previous night, and she did not seem to be physically injured in any way. Standing up, Cara muttered, “I want to assume the worst, but I don’t seem to be injured, so, why exactly am I here?” Looking inside the door next to the desk, Cara found it housed a bathroom, with some uniforms inside it. Before she could investigate further, she heard the TV in the other room turn itself on and begin playing something. Moving back into the other room, Cara stopped for a moment to listen to what it was playing. “This still doesn’t seem to explain what’s going on here.” Cara said as she watched. After listening to the message, Cara went back into the bathroom and picked up the uniforms, investigating them further. She found they were black uniforms with a white 3 on the shoulder. Putting one on, she stepped out of the bathroom, moving in front of the door near the bed she woke up in. The door slid open, leading into a hallway. Heading out of the room she woke up in, Cara began to follow the green line as instructed, keeping a brisk pace, passing various humanoid service bots as she went. Heading down some stairs, Cara eventually found herself at the cafeteria, as the message had promised. Looking around, she saw that many people were already here, some of which seemed to be in a small group. “Seems I’m a bit late to the party.” Cara said, as she moved to sit down at one of the tables.