"Uuuuuuuhhwhat the fuck?" Sierra Alvarez's eyelids fluttered open and she moaned as a female voice over the intercom woke her up. Her head buzzed and the fluorescent light clawed at her eyes. She was more than a little hung over. She got out of bed slowly, shielding her eyes from the light. [i]'Where the fuck am I?'[/i] she thought. Last she had remembered, she was on parole. This place looked like a prison. Minus the tv, that is; it must be a new way to pacify the weak-minded. The obvious answer was that she had gotten a disorderly conduct. Again. She shrugged her shoulders and walked over to the bathroom and walked in. That was a nice touch. The more dressed Sierra became, the more confused she became. These were nothing like prison smocks. They were much too clean and they actually fit right. And last night she hadn't been drinking, she thought. Wait...what was she doing last night? She couldn't remember. [i]'Must be the hangover'[/i]. She grabbed a pair of sunglasses sitting on the bathroom sink. They were so thoughtful. She got dressed and left the cell through a door. Another nice touch. Upon entering the hallway, Sierra realized that this couldn't be a prison. The walls were too clean and the doors weren't barred. She passed by a few faceless automatons who bid her good day. They asked if she needed help with anything. She told them to go fuck themselves. If this wasn't a prison, Sierra wasn't going to behave. If this was a prison, well, Sierra still wasn't going to behave. She noticed a few other people making their way towards wherever she was going. She didn't speak and half-followed them to find her way. Her head was throbbing and she couldn't think. [i]'Fucking hangover.'[/i] Upon entering the cafeteria, Sierra saw a room full of others. Some wore jumpsuits a different color than hers, and some were the same. She wondered if that had anything to do with what crime they had committed. She was about to sit down at a table far from the others, but decided instead that her head hurt and she needed Advil. She walked up to a group of other inmates. Maybe they'd know what's going on. "Anybody here know where I can get some Advil and a coffee?" Sierra grumbled half-audibly "My head [i]really[/i] hurts."