[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/P5jiIpZ.png[/img][/center] "YOU THERE! HALT! HALT DAMMIT!" Katherine sprinted across the field towards her homegrown aircraft with Ava following in hot pursuit. It seemed that The Crucible had already started to fan out into the town to "secure" the location from potential "threats". A scout had spotted Katherine as she ran to her aircraft and was giving chase, only a hundred yards away. Her lungs burned in protest as Katherine ran, but she barely notice, too scared out of her mind by the fact she was spotted before even getting to her plane. The Songbird was only a few meters away now. "Come on Ava! Let's go, let's go!" Katherine said as she reached the plane. She practically threw open the cockpit door and leapt inside, her pet Kulca following in suit. The last thing she heard was the Crucible scout yelling some sort of warning of sorts. She quickly figured it out when she started the engine. PING! Bullets began to ricochet off the body of the aircraft as the propeller began to spin. Once the engine got warmed up, Katherine immediately slammed the throttle into WEP and the aircraft lurched forward, rapidly accelerating. Tracers flew dangerously close to her cockpit as she began to lift off the ground from her makeshift landing strip in the field. Glass suddenly broke to her left as a round passed way to close to comfort by her head. Though soon the gunfire subsided as she rapidly climbed into the sky over the island. Once she was in the air, and confirmed no fighters had come to meet her, Katherine and Ava let out a huge sigh simultaneously. "Damn that was close...." she thought, now circling over the island. Glancing back at the sleek white airship, she shook her head. "What the hell are the Crucible doing here?"