Tis a WIP but I really want to start working on IC posts sooz I am hoping it is enough? -_^ [u][b][center] AEIEAL [/center][/b][/u] -Flag/Banner: NATIONAL -Capital: Thaelen -Government Type: Monarchy -Currency: Aeiealan Marks -Population: 5 Million (Only if you count slaves and cattle) -Realm Size: 26 -Unique Trait #1: Masterful Diplomats The Vaelie are among the most gifted races when it comes to diplomacy and their ability to twist the wills and blur minds is second to none in the known world. This aptitude has save them time and again from forces that could have destroyed their small homeland without much trouble and it is one of their most valuable resources. -Unique Trait #2: (Created by me, mostly to reduce min-maxing) -Unique Flaw #1 Slavery Dependent Aeieal is built on the backs of slaves. Slaves built the floating palaces of the Vaelie, slaves till the fields, slaves are the primary food sources, and slaves are one of their primary exports. Without slavery Aeieal would be hard pressed to exist as a civilized nation and it's handful of cities would melt back into the marsh as society crumbled. -Unique Flaw #2 (Created by me, mostly to reduce min-maxing) GEOGRAPHICAL -World-Realm Map: [img]http://i.imgur.com/gTnXBJR.png[/img] - Geographical Trait: (created by me in consultation w/ you. Applies to nations adjacent to the Plague Lands.) - Geographical Flaw: (created by me. Only applies to nations not adjacent to the Plague Lands. Generally speaking to nations beyond the green geographical zone in the center.) - Internal-Realm Map: WIP -Major Cities: Thaelen Vaelan Vaelin -Major Castles: Thaelen is fortified in a way. Otherwise there are only the floating palaces which are a bit fortress-like. -Buildings of Interest: -Geographic Features of Interest: Aeieal is a giant swamp and much of it is flooded, with streams and lakes abounding. The city Thaelen is built upon floating rafts and mobile islands. It can slowly move throughout the core of the marsh and so can many of the Vaelie settlements as almost all of them are built the same way. RACIAL -Majority Race: Vaelie -Majority Race Appearance: The Vaelie are beautiful and striking beings without a doubt. Their skin is the color of silver and their hair gleams like pure gold. Their bodies look as if they were crafted by some god with an eye for what would be the most desirable traits imaginable. Most Vaelie have operations performed at a very early age that leave them with strange scars and marks on the undersides of their arm from which implanted spines filled with venom can be extended. Their eyes are also the same golden color as their hair. -Majority Race Characteristics: No one really understands it, not even the Vaelie themselves but they have a number of effects on other humanoid beings. The first instinctive response that any humanoid being regardless of gender has upon seeing a Vaelie is that of desire and arousal. Those desires are enhanced as the Vaelie moves, speaks, ect. Their voices are described as enchanting, their movements as captivating, their scent as intoxicating. The Vaelie are masters of exploiting these sensations and further enhance them through potions, powders, and some secret arts. Clarification- The Vaelie traits cause arousal and a slight impairment of judgement in everyone. But the degree of impairment of judgement and other effects is totally dependent on the person's willpower and other things. This is not a form of mind control unless people allow it to be and even with those who are very weak willed it is a delicate and careful balance of influence. -Minority Races: Thrulls- The Thrulls were once humans and they reflect this old origin in their bodies and features. But generations of breeding and experimentation has led to them being very different from their original human stock. There are several different varieties of Thrull and each serve a different function. All types of Thrull are notable for their flat faces, large eyes, and thick forms. Some that are bred for cattle purposes are extremely large and with ample amounts of flesh on their bones, some bred for labor have extremely high muscle mass and are strong, some are bred for skilled activities and these are the most intelligent but even so they are not very bright. Thrulls are the idea slave, loyal and almost thoughtless. RELIGION & MAGIC -State Religion: Yuwanism technically. However Aeieal is unique in lacking in any real religious fervor or zeal. There are a handful of temples to Yuwan in the land as well as some Ithicist shrines, and a number of older shrines to the diune gods Vael and Vaela the original subjects of worship by the Vaelie and their subjects in ages past. Ithicism and Yuwanism coexist with this other old faith and since none are particularly demanding faiths and the people aren't particularly religious no one really cares much outside of the occasional foreigner. -Religious Information -Religion Demographics: 70% Yuwanist (supposedly) 30% Ithicist (supposedly) -Holy Relics In Possession: The Raiments of Vael and Vaela (Thaelae) -Holy Sites Under Control: The Pools of Vaelinor (Thaelae) -Magical Schools and Curriculum: Magic in Aeiael is considered a bit more common place than most nations. Almost all Vaelie have a little bit of the gift, though it almost always is specifically illusion based magic and almost always serves as an augmentation to their natural allure rather than being a noticeable magical talent. The few who are more powerful mages are illusionists famed for their skill at making the impossible seem possible or dazzling shows. MILITARY Military size- 30,000 -Military Details WIP NATIONAL DRAMATIS PERSONAE -Head of State/Monarch: Queen Aelevani Tlaerie -Ruling Dynasty (If applicable): Tlaerie -Constable Of The Army (If applicable): King Kaedaraen Tlaerie -Religious Head (If Applicable): Aelevani Tlaerie is the High Speaker of Thaelae by title but it has been centuries since that title seemed to mean anything. -Persons of interest: Queen Aelevani Tlaerie King Kaedaraen Tlaerie Princess Vaelinessi Tlaerie Prince Maerin Tlaerie Princess Saelysi Tlaerie Princess Aelevani Tlaerie City-Lord Vaelin, Yaelev Tsirae City-Lord Vaelan, Vaermas Laera CULTURAL -History: The Vaelie have existed within the marshes of Aeieal for untold thousands of years. Though the Vaelie themselves do not have records of it, the old myths in the dominion long spoke of the creatures who lurked within the swamps, creatures who could steal the judgement and minds of humans and who feasted upon or enslaved those who trespassed into their lands. It was the breeding of the Thrulls, a critical first step towards obtaining a truly stable food supply, that marked the beginning of the rise of the Vaelie to civilization. With the Thrulls crippling famines did not sweep the marshes regularly, with the Thrulls they had a stable work force to build cities and compounds, with the Thrulls things changed drastically. Those who had perfected the art began to expand within the marshes of Aeieal, ousting and assimilating the tribal groups of Vaelie and servitors who had lived there before and it was about 2000 odd years ago that the state of Aeieal a mostly unified nation within the marshes was recognizable by modern standards. Eventually the Vaelie began to send out emissaries beyond the swamps and while the first few went poorly (Don't ask for the exact details) In time they came to an accord with their neighbors. The Vaelie have maintained a royal union with the Dominion for nearly 1500 years, sending a princess to wed a member of the royal family every generation to honor their pacts of protection and assistance. Aeieal has also in time become known to the world for it's diplomats and slaves, selling and swapping secrets of their creations with the Union to the distant south as both societies use slaves extensively. The ancestral faith of the Vaelie, Thaelae was mostly suppressed and hidden away in the face of the pressure from the outside world and most of the nation's people pay either lip service to Yuwan, or to the Ithicist gods. But there are rumors that the ancient rites of Thaelae still persist even though the Vaelie deny it. The Outbreak of the plague has truly frightened the people of Aeiael, while there have been very few cases the flesh of those afflicted becomes toxic and inedible and it thus is both a risk to health and food supply. All infected are quickly culled for the Vaelie fear that should the plague spread they will be forced back to those dark days when all of life was spent in the quest for food. -List of Historical Grievances: -Relations: -Cultural Notes: 1. While the Vaelie are carnivorous they do have standards and codes now regulate what they eat. Within Aeieal they will readily eat the traditional food of their people, but outside of Aeiael they will normally submit to the standards of their hosts. Further the Vaelie have made a distinction between Thrulls and humans, and at least officially it is taboo to consume the flesh of a humanoid being other than a Thrull. 2. The Vaelie are not confined to Aeieal. There are small but present minority populations in many other nations where they normally find employ as political figures, negotiators, or in less prestigious but no less profitable exploits. 3. Aeieal is open to settlement by people of all races. While you have to be willing to tolerate the Vaelie and their habits, they also have an insatiable appetite for the finer things in life and with the knowledge that they don't consume normal humanoids widespread there has been a revolution of art and culture within Aeieal as people take advantage of the rich market for luxury and basically any sort of new goods.