Well, it has been an extremely long time since I've actually let loose some steam about things that anger me. It was a few months back that I was involved in a roleplay which happened to be about demons who are working as a force for killing other demons. The GM told us he had to left, which is not what I am angry about. But, he told us that another player would be in control until he came back. Of course, we followed his lead and I waited for the replacement to post. About four days later, he finally posted. Yet, what pissed me off was when he yelled at us for not being active when the post he gave us did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to move the plot forward. All he did was make a sort of joke about the fact that demons were working for God and states that the GM's character left. Basically, we were stuck at a stand still because of the fact that he didn't contribute to moving on with the story because NOTHING HAPPENED. Now, to the next subject. I was in a tabletop roleplay which was actually on the role. The setup was good and the stats system was easy to understand. All was going well and I was talking to one of the GM's who was running it about specialization skills for my character. Then, it all went silent. I heard nothing back from either of the GM's about my character and nobody else heard from them either. What really irked me was the fact that they disappeared right in the middle of a conversation about the roleplay. Nothing was said about them leaving and nothing really indicated that they would have. But, they just went silent and, after about four weeks, I just gave up along with everyone else. Basically, I am only angry because of the fact that they disappeared after having me and seven other people work on a character sheet. It wasn't even a 'We might be gone for a few days because of personal reasons' leaving; they quite simply up and disappeared.