[b]Name[/b]: Angus de Barra [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 35 [b]Birthday[/b]: February 29 [b]Blood Type [/b]: B- [b]Height[/b]: 8'2" [b]Weight[/b]: 398 lbs [b]Measurements[/b]: I have no idea how this part works. [b]Likes[/b]: Exercising, Horses, Large hats, Text books, Non-fiction books, Vegtables, Working, Pharona [b]Dislikes[/b]: Cosmetics, Scratchy clothing, Candy, Cars, Explosions, Fire [b]Parasite/Living Weapon[/b]: [u][b]Pharona[/b][/u]: A Remote Parasite that forms itself as a little girl on top of the giant, she stole part of Angus's brain to bond with each other. Pharona must keep constant contact to the head at all times, it can be touched from any point of the small body, but Pharona prefers to sit on Angus's shoulders as it is much more comfortable for her body. For being able to live on his shoulders and feeding her, she is able to give the body an immense amount of growth and muscle generation once combined and making the body extremely agile and flexible making his size deceptive for opponents. She controls Angus's body completely, but Angus can have control of his own body whenever the two aren't fighting. If they would ever be inside of a fight, Pharona and Angus switch between controls to do rather devastating combos. [b]Apperance[/b]: [hider=Angus] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OworqTK.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Pharona] [img]http://i.imgur.com/knhnuGC.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Biography[/b]: Living inside of the Canopy Kingdom, he was always a rather large kid when growing up through his life. However, it wasn't the muscles that made him large, it was actually his fat that made him so big. An easy target for kids to laugh at him at a young age, Angus tried everything to make him lose weight from weight loss pills to becoming a vegan. However, nothing worked for him making the ridiculed boy depressed for several years, even dropping out of school. When he reached the age of eighteen, his parents as a last ditch attempt to get him out of his depression as nothing seemed to be working, his own personal gym. They set up the rather expensive home gym just for their son and tried to push him to get out of his deep depression. He never used it, making his parents give up on trying to get him to leave his deep sadness. Leaving the house to figure out if they could return the home gym, they were involved inside of a fatal car accident by a random drunk driver hitting them from the side, instantly killing both of his parents. After hearing the news, Angus had decided to use the home gym in honor of his parents and not letting their lives go to waste. Several years later, Angus is now 25 with his birthday the next day, he was a changed man. The fat that had been retained had become slimier, but it still remained under the fat. However, under that fat was pure muscle that made him able to lift and carry most things than any regular person could ever hold! Later in the day, he was outside ready to get some groceries to celebrate his birthday until in the corner of his eyes saw something stir the trashcans. Curiosity gripped the man, and he peeked his head around the corner to find two large men wearing suits stuffing something that was muffled and squirming into the bag. He immediately knew what to do, grabbing a nearby trashcan lid, Angus quickly threw the disc towards one of the men to hit one directly in the head, immediately knocking the fiend out. The other man, quickly realizing what was happening pulled out his gun, and started firing upon Angus giving time for the squirming thing get out of the bag. Angus ducked behind some trash, but soon realized that the creature they were shoving into some dirty bag was a little girl, and that further enticed him to punch that guy shooting at him. The loud gun shots of the pistol were soon replaced by clicks and Angus knew what to do at that point. Quickly, he ran up to the man and sucker punched that man right into the jaw, leaving his body to slam into a nearby wall and collapse. Angus was finally done with those thugs and looked upon the little girl staring at him with wide eyes, the large man was about to say something to the little girl, but she suddenly latched onto his face with surprising speed and Angus blacked out on touch. The large man soon found himself waking up on his bed, his head feeling like it was splitting into two while something else was stabbing something into his eye. Angus was thinking if that heroic act was all in his mind produced by drinking? He never drank alcohol that night, however, but when he tried to rub his head, he touched something. Angus quickly screamed, which also made his mind scream like an actual little girl. Angus looked up to see that the little girl he rescued was latched onto the back of his head... After several hours of explaining as her voice echoed through his mind, this entire thing was insane. Several days after staying inside of his house, Angus finally accepted the fact that he now had to share his body with some parasite that took apart of his brain... His life is kinda messed up at the moment. [b]Special Attacks/Blockbusters[/b]: [u][b]Iron Thighs(Level One)[/b][/u] - If within grabbing range, Pharona commands the body to jump and grab the enemy's head between his thighs. He then squeezes his thighs together and causes moderate damage and smashes them into the ground leaving the enemy dazed for one second. [u][b]Running Man(Level Two)[/b][/u] - Angus goes into a mad dash, anyone in the path takes a large amount of damage and are thrown into the air. However, if blocked, the damage will be low but will still be thrown into the air. [u][b]The Full Workout(Level Three)[/b][/u] - Pharona and Angus control the body in sync to create a devastating combo. Angus suddenly tears out a large piece of the ground starts to smashes it against the enemy repeatedly until it is only rubble. Pharona takes control and jumps high into the air, the massive body weight speeds them down and the body points the large knees towards the enemy and directly lands on top of the person, crushing them completely.