Keeping track of where everyone was in the ship was not practical. It was quite a large ship to explore. At this rate everyone might not make it. While Angel had seen others dart about assisting there didn't even seem to be any sort of order. It a brief moment of clarity Sarah and Angel came to the same conclusion. They needed to land this thing or it was going to cause loss of life somewhere. Hopefully someone would be able to help but there was no way of really knowing. Since the craft had no power of its own the only other option was external. Teleporting to the front of the ship gave a stark reminder of how quickly it was truly plummeting. Matching its speed she slowed until she could place her hands against it. Against the notion of self preservation Angel began to envelope the front of the ship in a barrier. Making one large enough to hold the whole ship was out of the question, but by bracing against the front perhaps she could slow it down at the very least. The portions against the barrier shimmered and the ship groaned as its decent met resistance. Sarah could tell that Angel was weakening by the second. It was something that hadn't ever happened before, running out of the magical energy that sustained the alter ego. What would result from it? Would she revert back to normal? That would not end well, she could not fly like Angel could. A little late to question it now because the ship was practically sitting on them.