Rena thanked the elder as she stepped into the sun, beyond the thatched roof home. He'd been very helpful the information on demon movements throughout the region was surprisingly in depth, from the sounds of it they shouldn't have any troubles moving ahead, its always nice when fortune smiles. The royal girl clutched the album traverler's cloak tightly, despite what one may think with her status as a princess through and through, she was also much more pragmatic for quite frankly traveling by foot was no time to wear dresses. Besides she herself was a seasoned traveler anyway, in the past she spent years in other courts across the kingdom, and then a few located in nearby foreign allies. Of course none of that came easily, attempting to convince her father to allow such things certainly took some time. In the end Rena was thankful for the experience, and looking back those exact experiences were paying off. The last month was not easy for sure, maybe within the first week money ran out, although not to her surprise, honestly there wasn't much to give at all. This forced them, or really rather Noboyuki, to take on odd jobs for merger earnings. Sure there was the satisfaction of assisting the people, they needed the help without a doubt, Rena just hasn't expressed as much to the hero. While considering Noboyuki, he had actually proven to be resourceful, and apparently well educated ignoring his obvious ignorance of her world. What's more the hero had proven to be quite skilled as a swordsman, not everyone could take on a demon especially alone in his case. In reality Rena didn't mind the man at all, in fact she had a deep respect for him, as for saying as much that was far out of the deal. Noboyuki was still a commoner, even with his position as the hero of prophecy... she still had social norms to adhere to. They agreed on staying in the sleepy hamlet for at least a day, even if Rena in truth wanted to pass the opportunity up, mainly out of concern for whatever damage the Demon King may cause if they delay too long, she couldn't ignore the need for a proper rest. As a bonus due to their importance, the elder gave them free lodgings at the only taven for miles around, the owner wasn't too happy but ultimately overruled. First things first, Rena had to find her hero, he did say that he wanted to vist the local libary, a rare occurrence really, she doubted he managed to glean anything from the trip unfortunately his lacking the ability to read her language was well too known. When she approached the tiny stone building, Rena caught sight of Noboyuki, good looked as if he wrapped up whatever business he tried to take care of. "Finally, hope you're done wasting our time by looking at books, you know you can't understand them anyway, right?" She spoke with authority fitting for royal blood, "While you were struggling to grasp basic writings, I had a talk with the elder. Good news is he agrees to house us for a day, food and shelter of course."