Name: Habit Appearance: [img][/img] Like this, but wearing a white, period-appropriate suit Gender: Male Nation: Originally from Jehanna, but does not feel attached to any nation. Class: Thief Weapon Mastery: C Level: 5 Background: Habit spent most of his early life in the shadow of his younger brother. His brother was an extremely talented musician, and in a family of musical genius this earned him all of his parents' attention. Habit, on the other hand, could never keep a rhythm or hold a tune with any instrument. He could whistle like no other, but of course his parents didn't care about that. Even after his father was killed by monsters and he had to care for his mother, ill with a wasting disease, she still showed no compassion toward him. In fact, her last words to Habit before she passed away were "watch over your brother". And so he did. He watched quietly from the shadows as his brother achieved fame and fortune. He protected his brother from the consequences of his drunken escapades. And when his brother's career entered a downward spiral, causing him to amass great dept to a clan of bandits, Habit took the fall for him, offering ten years of his life in service to the bandits in exchange for his brother's safety. He started out as an "accountant" of sorts, counting the loot and parceling it out to those who had earned it, but the leader of the bandits soon learned that Habit was completely incapable of saying no, especially to women such as herself, and she soon had Habit performing more and more incorrigible tasks. It was because of this that she discovered Habit's amazing natural talent as a Thief. His dexterous fingers, trained in the handling of even the most complex instruments, handled both lockpick and blade with ease. He became her go-to for any task of a difficult nature, and soon found himself as her second-in-command. It was, however, inevitable that someday she would push him too far. The one thing Habit would never do is harm a woman- physically, at least- and after having been asked, and failing, to do this, he fled the clan, becoming a refugee from these terrible bandits. He first tried to return to his brother, now extremely wealthy and living in a large manor. His brother refused to see him, claiming that now he was a dirty thief. The man for whom he had been forced into this lifestyle now despised him because of it. The man he had cared for and protected for years had rejected him. Habit was extremely disheartened, but knew that he had to move on. He couldn't stop moving, or the bandits would find him and seek to reclaim him. He traversed the continent, never staying in one place for too long. He still had quite the reputation of a thief, and was never short on offers for work of that kind wherever he went, so he managed to get by. He has promised his services to hundreds of clients, and allegiance to multiple rulers, even when their desires have conflicted with each other. But he works on his own schedule now, and he decides which jobs get done and when. This makes him the perfect opportunist. Anywhere he goes, he has a multitude of potential jobs already accepted, ripe for the picking. One job, though, offers him far more than any other. Enough money to finally settle his debt to the bandits, to finally stop running, to finally settle down and make good on one of the offers of marriage he has made to the many women he has courted. And this job is to steal the Fire Emblem. Plot-Susceptive: Yes Equipment and Items: Iron Sword, Bullion Personality: Snarky, sarcastic, but calm and calculating. Is very submissive, especially around members of the opposite gender. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: -A potent womanizer -Hates hearing music, because it reminds him of his family life. -Whistles very skillfully whenever he is concentrating on a task, without realizing it -Very fickle when it comes to his true allegiances, and secretive about his past and his intentions, not afraid to lie about either R-button Summarization: A Thief hailing from Jehanna who seems unable to refuse any task.