[h2]Kuroku Nagasai - Augustine Town[/h2] Kuro's search for Julian has lead him to Augustine Town alone, without the help of Oram or Vanu. It didn't matter to him of course, but yet something seemed off. He can feel a dark presence and a foul miasma looming throughout the town. Was it Julian's? No... the aura was different. Yet there was a familiar feel to it. Whoever was emitting that foul stench was nearby. The search for Julian would have to wait, as he heads closer to the scent. This person was indeed familiar... as if he talked to him not too long ago. He jumps onto the roof of a building to have a better look around. Alas he is able to find where the aura and stench was coming from. He leaps from roof to roof, steadily getting closer to his target. Once landing on the last roof, he looks down to see the culprit. [b]XAVIER.[/b] [i]Not again...[/i] Kuro groans to himself as he remembers Julian's demon form. He just talked to Xavier at the meet up place in the hot springs, who begged to him to go on a mission with him. Of course he denied it, yet he was unaware that he also followed him on his quest to defeat Vanu back at Magnolia. Something was indeed wrong with him as he stands motionlessly with black, soulless eyes looking like a black void. Suddenly, he hears a cry of distress coming from nearby, producing a flash of imagery relating to the avalanche that killed his parents. Kuro grunts as he quickly shakes off the terrible thought from his head. After taking two deep breathes he calls out to Xavier. "Hey!" he calls out from on top of the building, "Wake up Xavier! Snap out of it!"