[b]Jon - The Trade - Richard's Men[/b] He stepped out of the truck, the two men accompanying him giving him a reproachful look as they moved to follow him. In the few minutes it took them to drive on over to the agreed upon receiving area, they'd gone over the standard-- they had to leave their sympathies behind. The three left behind would have to be the ones who appeared to be least suitable for the community. Tremblay had made the mistake of choosing the battered captives over the more healthy ones before and paid for it. It was simply not viable for them. With that in mind, Jon's eyes locked on the line up of chained captives Treis' men had brought out before them. They were in another parking lot, this one largely secluded behind a trio of office buildings. While it was unlikely anyone not affiliated with either group would be in this area, it was best to have these trades done away from potential prying eyes. He stepped up to the group, his eyes rolling over the captives before speaking up. "There's an issue with the trade. We can't spare the supplies for all of them." Looking toward Treis' men, Jon tried to make this sound as dry as possible. Procedure as usual, and all that. "We'll be taking the two you left behind for double, but we'll have to leave three of these with you. Tremblay's tasked us with choosing which three we'll leave behind." Jon moved to examine the blindfolded men and women while his two companions worked on transporting the supplies to Treis' men. The captives had noticeably been through the ringer, and Jon couldn't help but stare a while longer at the blonde woman barely keeping it together. One that stood out to him was a pretty brunette woman who seemed to barely move at all. Jon thought she wasn't breathing at first, before noticing only the smallest indication of life. If he'd removed the blindfold, he was sure he'd see the blank eyes of a woman too far gone. Jon knew she'd have to be one of thew few left behind. He moved down the row, pointing to the ones he wanted. He spoke briefly with his companions before making the final decision. The brunette would be left behind, as was the blonde woman who tried desperately to stifle her tears. Of the men, they decided to leave the hurt one who'd likely been the most rebellious of the group. Jon figured that he'd be able to bounce back eventually by the look of him, but Tremblay didn't have time for rehabilitation. After the three in question were detached from the others, Jon began ushering them into the truck bed, their hands still bound behind their backs. "Tremblay would like you to bring the other two here tomorrow," Jon said. "Same time. I'm sure you'll be happy to have them off his hands." --- [b]Tremblay - Plaza - Jessalyn[/b] He smiled at Jess. "Ah, you caught me. You're essentially worthless as you are, especially if you have to take care of your little one, but that doesn't mean I can't find you a place here. Don't worry about the sex drive of my men-- I assure you that no one will touch you in such a manner." He stood up now, moving closer to Jess. He kept his distance, but he found his height and smile was particularly disarming to others the closer he got to them. "We have other children here. None as small as Ben, but children nonetheless. They serve their own purpose, in a way. People find children calming. It presents an atmosphere of community. Most of them don't have parents, and few of my men and women have time to take care of them..." A slight tilt of his head and a casual lean against the bookcase. "You'll fit in with the other caretakers, I believe. It won't be permanent-- just until I can figure out away to let you leave in a safe manner. Maybe a group will come around and take you under their wing." He moved, placing a hand on Jess' shoulder to lead her out of the book store. "But for now, I can tell that you're hungry." Once they were back outside under the gloomy sun, Tremblay pointed to one of the tents set up in the plaza parking lot. "First aid station. We have a proper medical facility across the plaza, but I prefer Becca's company over Magnus'." He then pointed to a small building that could have been a restaurant at some point. Any signs on it had been stripped away. "And step in there with Ben. It's sort of like our community center. The other caretakers will meet you there." He stepped away from her, but turned back and smiled. "Tell KK I sent you. A big woman, and harsh. I have a matter to attend to for a moment, but I'll be around soon to have you properly settled. Just relax while you're here."