[quote=@Nightmare Bunny] I just realized that you asked me to resize my image a while back... and I have no idea how to do that. I don't think I have Paint on my computer?! [/quote] *snicker* Alright, leave that to me, then. [quote=@Harbringer] Happen to have space for one more? [/quote] Alright, I'll admit, if ALL that had expressed interest were to join at this point, it would become somewhat many. But, yeah, I'll go ahead and say yes. Welcome~ [quote=@Draconfound] Habit [/quote] Nice suit for a fantasy-land. Or perhaps that's not the kind of suit you're referring to. ... And white is an absolutely awesome color for a thief. XD ... Yikes, the sprite for the thief class doesn't look like it suits this classy thief. XD Wow. Pretty skilled and high level compared to what is expected of thief just joining at the start, but you did mention him being a genius and he does appear to have experience. Considering the nature of thieves in combat, I do believe it is acceptable. That giant paragraph of your backstory was a bit heavy, think you can split it up into two? With like, two enter presses or such? ... Heh. I can see what you're planning here. Fortunately, we know for sure we have at least one female. Yeah, that is acceptable~ Yepp, I see no problems. I'm disappointed Habit's Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other field didn't mention the word "habit" but suppose the whistling is exactly that. Habit is accepted~