Xavier The darkness enshrouded him, clinging to him like fat leeches as he slowly descdended. Cassandra was gone, having turned into black mist and sinkinh into his skin. He felt so. . . empty in this sea of darkness, sinking into it's dreary depths. A little while later, he sees a figure waiting for him below, sitting in a thone like a king. His hair was a dark red, like blood, and he bore several horns from his head in a manner that resembled a crown. He had huge wings wreathed in shadow, and clawed hands that beckoned Xavier closer, a fanged smile inviting him ever closer. He was almost within reach when a powerful shreik ripped through the darkness, follwed by some yelling. [i]"Wake up Xavier! Snap out of it!"[/i] The figure growled as the world began to brighten, light scorching away the darkness in a powerful, almighty flash. ((Real Time)) The miasma burst into fine smoke, rushing over everything and giving them an intensely frightful chill down their spines, before slithering back into Xavier, who's eyes were backed to normal and seemed to regain consciousness. But before he could say a word, he began to scream in writh in pain on the ground, blood coming from his head, as well as soaking through his back. Soon, a pair of large black wings burst through his shirt and jacket, a spear-tipped tail soon following as well from the lower back. And hidden by his long hair were two small horns locared around his temple-ish area. His upper canines jutted out slighty and were much more fang-like, and his nails had turned into blackened claws. His once blue eyes were now mixed with a dark redish tinge. His demon blood seems to have awoken, but it seems that interrupting it made the change rather haphazard. After the change was finished, Xavier shakily got to his feet and began walking over to Reina, who he was sure he had heard scream. Worriedly, he reached out to shake her, but the sight of his clawed hand froze him in his tracks. Backing away from everyone he tripped over his new tail, and knocked over a trash can. The polished bottom of the lid reflected his image back on to him, causing him to panic. He was about to scream, when he felt a familar hand cover his eyes, except this time, he could actually feel her, not the usual phantom feeling he was used to. She was real. "Of course I am," the demon giggled as she snuggled closer into his back, pressing herself against him in a way that would've made him very much flustered under different circumstances. Turning his head, he saw that Cassandra was rising from his shadow. Cassandra, sensing his questions, put a finger over the boy's mouth in silence. "I know you have questions, my prince, but when we are alone is when I'll answer. We have too many nosy guests here right now.