[center]+[b]KIMIKO[/b]+ " B-but, " Kimiko stuttered, propping Shinji's head in her hands, " I can't leave you!" Though the people at the dorm wereimportant too, her number one priority, even in battle, was taking care of Shinji and making sure he was okay. She couldn't just leave him there in the middle of the street! +[b]MOMO[/b]+ Momo felt the same way. He would've jumped on the chance to beat that shadow to a pulp, but he would've felt like a douche if he just left Shinji here. Hearing a voice behind him, Momo turned to find Jonathon running towards them, explaining why he was there. Great, now that he was here, Momo would be able to go on and help out. " Don't die okay." He told Shinji, narrowing his eyes. He tried to be all nonchalant about it, but a worried tone somehow found their way in his words. Shinij had been his best friend after all. Giving the team one last look, Momo took off towards the dorm, praying that his legs could get him there in time. Kimiko smiled when Jonathon came. He was only a couple years older then her, but now that he was here, she felt like everything was going to be okay. " I'm staying here." She stated determinedly, tightening her grip on Shinji. +[b]HIKARU[/b]+ Hikaru arrived just in time to see the shadow disappear. He was about ten steps from the dorm and relief washed over him when he saw the shadow's frame dissolve into the wind. He didn't know what happened or who had defeated it, but the threat was over and he could relax now that Kenji was safe. But it was like a double sided sword. Now that the shadow was gone, the adrenaline that was flowing through his veins stopped. But that adrenaline was the only thing fueling his persona and without it, Kafkaesque abruptly vanished. Hikaru, who had been only a few feet away from dorm's roof, dropped like a sack of potatoes. Luckily for him, he was unconscious by then, but still, he was falling to the cement below at a dangerous speed. +[b]MOMO[/b]+ Momo witnessed everything from a distance and by the time he was at the gate to the dorm, the battle was over. He, like everyone else, felt at ease now that the battle was over. He slowed his running down to a jog and wiped the sweat from his brow, leaning against the gate. He looked up at Hikaru's persona and was about to yell to him that the battle was over, but right as he opened his mouth, the persona vanished. At first he didn't think anything about it, but then he saw a bundle of red hair falling to the ground. " Shit!" He pushed himself off the gate and broke out into a run. He barely managed to get there before Hikaru hit the ground, his arms outstretched and he caught him before he could land on the unforgiving concrete. But the catch hadn't been perfect. He had dived to save him and when the red head landed in his arms, he felt the rugged cement run across his chest, breaking through his t-shirt and cutting his skin. The same went for Hikaru who had been falling head first, the left side of his face hitting the concrete, the hit lessened by Momo's catch, but as they skidded to a halt, Hikaru's face was already scarred and bruised. When they finally stopped moving, only afew inches from the stairs, Momo got to his knees, ignoring the pain across his chest and shook Hikaru, " Hey, wake up!" He tried again, but there was no luck. +[b]FLEANCE[/b]+ Fleance didn't know what was happening. One moment he was on the rooftop of the dorm, being protect by a teddy bear, and the next moment waking up in some elevator with two strange men. " Huh?" He asked, scratching his head, looking over to the chair. Slowly, he went over to the chair and sat down, taking in his surroundings. There wasn't a door in this elevator so that meant there was no escape. Great. His attention was brought back when the man infont of him began to speak. He looked down at the 'contract' and rose an eyebrow. He was responsible.....? Lance was faintly reminded of a program that his school back in England had. It was a program about saying no to drugs and at the end, they had to sign a contract like this one saying they wouldn't do drugs. Maybe this was just a dream and he was reliving his past? With that in mind, Lance picked up the pen and signed the contract. He didn't like drugs anyway.[/center]