[hider=Yagami Kaori][B]Esper[/B] [Student] [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/072/3/5/kagamine_rin___render___by_milkfresh-d7a3dtz.png[/IMG] [B]Name:[/B] Takamine Kaori [B]Nickname/Alias:[/B] Jumper [B]Magic Name:[/B] N/A [B]Position:[/B] NONE [B]Faction:[/B] NONE [B]Seat Number:[/B] Seat 1 [B]Nationality:[/B] Japanese [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Blood Type:[/B] A- [B]Biography: [/B] Kaori is a girl who has "no memories" of her past except seeing only glimpses of it in her dreams which she considers a nightmare little does she know, she's actually dreaming about it, she lives alone supporting herself having a full time job at an Ice Cream Shop but still the owner is kind enough to support her as well to ease herself in the pressure of working too much which in this case she also uses her powers. Later on she is enrolled to the Hybrid Academy to learn more about her powers and it leads her to have a certain goal, she wants to find out more about herself. [B]Personality:[/B] Hyperactive Prankster Kaori is an energetic girl who loves to do things in her own way, so fast that she won't have to waste time because of this she is impatient when people are slowing her down and does show little patience but that patience isn't enough. Using her warping powers for fun. Kaori is very loud and bossy as well and likes causing commotions long enough to buy her time to set her traps for her pranks. She claims to be the number one fanatic of Hybrid Academy's Absolute Zero and both are in good terms. [B]Likes:[/B] -Ria-sama -Chainsaws -Cats -Noise -Fashion -Cosplay -Guitars -Junk Food -Chocolates -Yokokawa Anzai -Nishikara Kei [B]Dislikes:[/B] -Too quiet places -Slow people -Boring situations -Traditional stuff -Judgement -Yokakawa Anzai -Nishikara Kei [B]Skills:[/B] -Prank skills, the way she makes surprising pranks it can be considered making traps little does she know of it but it does come in handy but overall combat she has no fighting experience and she do know herself that she is very annoying and good for distractions. -Bass-She is also good at string instruments like the Bass. -Origami. She's good in making Origami. [B]Ability[/B]: [b][u]Warp[/u][/b] [b]Pros:[/b] - No maximum mass transfer. One can transport anything they want as long as they can sustain the portal unlike teleport - Can cut things by warping a part of the object elsewhere - Doesn't have weather complications like Teleporters and your atoms is completely safe from disintegration - Can be used for scouting. Be wary of stray bullets from the other end though. [b]Cons:[/b] - Unlike Teleport, you cannot instantly transport something from one point to another - At lower levels, one must physically touch the area they want to create a portal in. Does not have to create the portal instantly (i.e - they can touch one area then the other before creating a portal in both ends) -Warpers are prone to memory loss. [B]Custom Name[/B]:([I]Warp[/I]):Level 3; Micro Special Skill: Trolling, by using her warping abilities she can troll people by warping their pants and put them to shame, super effective!,[B]WARNING:[/B] Comedy Purposes only. [INDENT]Disadvantages:[/INDENT] Can't be done right off the bat, requires preparation time. here is a 0.8 delay in her ability, the interval gets longer by a maximum of five seconds. [b]Signature Move[/b]: Prankster Level Over 9000!, Kaori warps gag objects on a person's chair and drops water balloons on their heads, super effective for trolling! In a nutshell, she warps objects that she touched from point A to point B. [INDENT]Disadvantages: Once she gets caught, she's scolded! There is a 0.8 delay in her ability, the interval gets longer by a maximum of five seconds. [/INDENT] [B]Theme Song(s):[/B] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTJxtjYNUtY]Footloose[/url][/hider] Temptations, *reprises Kaori*