I've joined more than a dozen games now in a few months, between an old site I used and this new one. They all died not because of the players but the GM. It's super frustrating as a player that the main person who [i]created[/i] the RP [i]and[/i] is supposed to [i]host[/i] the game goes AWOL after a few "I will do it soon" or they don't have a good sense of pace and write posts that don't move the plot. I'm a committed player, I let fellow rpers know my posting schedule and roughly stick to it - or throw up a crappy post but at least it gets things going - I never join and leave unless the game gives me reason to, which is always that it's figuratively dying by the side of the road. I'm also not somebody who likes to sit around in character and talk about fillers with other chars; I can do that IRL with small talk; but it looks like plenty of players like that cup of tea. It's demoralising. I just want a good game, dammit. It's not just in groups; happens in 1x1 too where I'm abandoned without cause or notice.