Right so anyone who see's this I'd like you to pass it on to those who don't but basically gonna have to go harsh asshole mode here but hell I don't care. People who aren't posting for whatever reason will just be killed off. It would have been nice if Shoske or Myself got a PM at least saying that you were going through a rough patch, School work got on top of you, Real life is causing issues and whatever else. We don't want nor need details just a rough idea as to why you aren't as active as usual. Basically yeah. We will have to result to killing these characters off if this continues. It's been something like a week now since some people posted and I am personally done waiting for even a simple update. Also those who are left in the seemingly dead group who are even Semi-Active, leave it and try find another group...anyone who isn't in a group find someone or a small group and join them...otherwise you are just missing out and it's somewhat quite horrible to see. On Another note. I think the large group that contains Hebi, Shoske, Abigail, Sam, Hibiya and myself will likely have to split itself. I thought perhaps we could move as one decent sized group but that doesn't seem to be working. From now on I'd recommend groups be at a maximum size of 4...at least till we regain the pace of the RP. Also if I'm not mistaken only 7 or 8 people seem to be actually active...sooo...yeah two groups of active 4 or one of 4 and one of 3. Just need to keep this RP moving!...also I'm just going to introduce a new rule right here! Le New Rule: If someone within a group hasn't posted for 3 days, you may skip them and carry on as normal. ^ Seem fair? we all agree on that? I understand they may have something important to say but the RP surviving is more important than that. So should we increase the days or make it less? Either way I don't mind...generally I'm an impatient person so yeah *nods*