Marciano grit his teeth to suppress a yawn as the briefing finished. As much as he hated to admit it, he always found that he had trouble with them, still he had gotten everything that was discussed. On paper it sounded like a pretty cut and dry op, get in, cause some havoc, find what they were looking for and get out. The problem was, as it usually was, that no plan, no matter how well laid or simple it seemed, survived first contact without some hiccups or modifications. But he was here to do a job and he was going to do it well. As he was about to leave he felt a pat on his shoulder accompanied by the voice he had grown to know on the com. [quote]"Charnel, I believe I owe a drink, da? I can't get you drunk now with the mission in two hours, but when we're done with that too, I make sure we drink until we won't need planes to fly, oke?"[/quote] Marciano smiled as the Ukrainian departed, he had the feeling that they were going to get along famously, or infamously as the case my be. But he had a point, drinks and food would come later when they were all safe back on the ship. Making his way out of the briefing room Marciano began to make his way to the armory, with no small amount of care this time not to get lost. Finally after no fair amount of walking he reached the armory. As he entered the quiet room Marciano honestly tried to make as little noise as possible, as to not break the very rare absence of noise that was almost no where else on the ship. However he did not go unnoticed by the LS behind the counter who looked up from some paper work they were doing and affixed the pilot with a look that was halfway between a glare and impassiveness. "Can I help you?" she said after a moment. Clearing his throat Marciano approached the officer, "Actually I was looking to check out my weapons, if its no trouble that is." He stammered out as the LS simply stared at him, her expression unchanging. "As if im here for any other reason, ok whats the name and I hope you got an ID with you." She said as she reached under a table to change clipboards and retrieve a pen. "Right, my name is Marciano Codemi, they might be under Mark Codemi though." Marciano continued to stammer as he fished his ID from his uniform and handed it to the LS who started to record various things on a form attached to the clipboard in a fast doctor like scribble. After a moment she handed back his ID, placed the clipboard on the counter and disappeared into the depths of the armory only to reappear with Marciano's firearms. "Here we go, one MTAR-21." She said as she placed it on the counter. The assault rifle was well maintained and was painted with a digital woodlands camo, instead of the usual birdcage flash suppressor a full suppressor sat on the end of its barrel, and a holo-sight on it's top rail. "Here's two mags of NATO 5.56 to go along with that." She said placing a two small hard-cases on the counter she had been carrying in her other hand. "In the other box is your Force 99 with a couple of mags of .45 ACP to keep it fed as well. Now if you would just sign here and here, and here." As he finished signing the form Marciano collected his rifle and slung it over his shoulders, taking care not to load it yet or even touch the safety. He did the same with the Force 99 save for he put it into a hip holster and actually place a magazine into it. He nodded and turned to leave when he stopped, he was forgetting something, he had just signed for all three of his weapons, turning back he saw the LS had a grin on her face as she slid the tench knife towards him on the counter "A shame" she said "and here I was looking forward to spending more time with that pretty thing." Marciano could only smile back as he took the knife and slid it home in his boot sheath. He made his way to the Deck slowly, quickly grabbing another cup of coffee before checking the time. He almost spat it out, as it showed he was a tad bit late. He ran to the Deck in time to see one Stalin heading up and a couple others queuing up. Racing over to the Hound he took the ladder two steps at a time, reaching to top as quickly as he could. After securing his rifle to his seat, and making sure everything was all well and good, he strapped himself in tight as the canopy came down and the hound was weeled out to the now empty runway. Starting up the engines he couldn't help but smile as the turbofans spooled up. There was a dull thud as the catapult locked on, but that was competed by his com crackling to life "Charnal this is tower you are good to go." "Copy that tower, see you in some time." He replied as he secured his mask and allowed his grin to break into a smile. He gunned the afterburners as he was launched off the ship. Getting airborne he began to climb, as he did he took a moment to reflect on whet he had saw getting into the Hound, looked like a full complement, two SARAAM's alongside a couple of sidewinders, the AMRAAMS that were placed on earlier plus a couple and a drop tank that looked equipped with a buddy store. The read out also stated that the main cannon was sill at full capacity. This was going to be a good day. "This is Charnel, forming up and ready to put them down. Looks like if any of you run into gas problems im going to be your best friend for this one."