[hider=My unworthy attempt of a CS] [b]Name:[/b] Acetone Luna Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade Spaalone Babuguuscooties [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131124175654/creepypasta/images/c/c8/Anime_-29.png[/img] [b]Species:[/b] 15% paradoxon, 100% Tsundere [b]Gender:[/b] Tender, neutral-in-taste vampire. [b]Age:[/b] 666 but has the hot, spanking body of a 16 year old. [b]Personality:[/b] Being an original 100% Tsundere isn't easy, giving poor Acetone a pretty hard time when communicating with others. She doesn't afraid of anything, but still doesn't socialise much. It's not because she likes you or anything, don't get the wrong idea. She doesn't care about no-one and does her thing, lingering in the corner of your eye to display her superiority. [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] The power of flight, night vision, turning into a swarm of crows at will - and every single one of those crows is able to turn into a swarm of locusts individually. Memory reading on touch, the power of being desirable, speaks all languages of all living beings, never gets fat no matter how much she eats, the power to be unaffected by time travel-based changes of her past, the power to utilize more than 10% of her brain capacity. The power of heterochromia (which makes her 15% more irresistable), the power of looking slightly asian, and she needs to drink peoples love in order to survive - the reason for this is to be found in her gender, tender neutral-to-taste vampires just work that way. Of course you wouldn't know that and I don't blame you, since Acetone is the only one of her kind. [b]Backstory:[/b] Acetone was born in 1999. But I said she's 666 years old, right? How is that possible? That's because she traveled back in time on her fifteenth birthday, ten years into the past! After seeing her rich parents die in a back alley, she swore gore-ious vengeance to the crime-filled underworld of gotham city and used her parents wealth to build a time machine. Acetone then visited her past self to educate herself in the ancient art of being a badass, and developed a vaccine for being susceptible to time-travel based influence, turning herself into a paradoxon. Afterwards, she repeated the time traveling process on every fifteenth birthday of her respective past self for a total of 65 times, amassing unique and near-limitless knowledge and beauty. During the first loop she also developed a cure for aging that slows down someones visible aging process to 1.4% of its normal ratio with the aid of the queen of all vampires. Thus her youthful appearance. During the 650 additional years of her life, she traveled all corners of the world, including several parallel-dimensions where she met Giganticus Lycanus, her familiar. After the 65th loop she decided that she's finally ready to get vengeance for the death of her family and now stalks the night as a masked vigilante named Catman, despite neither having anything to do with cats, nor being a man. At daytime, she is the good looking president of the student council who constantly shouts at people, not because she has a crush on them (duh!) but because they're loitering. [b]Familiar:[/b] Giganticus Lycanus [img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2015/061/d/8/risen_giganticus_lupicus_by_kekai_kotaki-d8k55pq.jpg[/img] Giganticus Lycanus is a giant undead wolf of insane dimensions who, besides the power to crush everything due to his enormous size, can summon undead maggots, shoot ridiculous barrages of a dark-green poisonous substance, shadowstep large distances in the blink of an eye through a parallel dimension, do sick dropkicks and make people nauseous with his festering smell. He also likes long walks on the beach and has moderate experience at handling turntables. [b]Clique:[/b] Ultimate Battle Mechanical Wolves [i]FOR LYFE[/i] [b]Extra:[/b] If fully in locust-form, the combined buzzing of the insects mimics the melody Tetris A. [/hider] While I don't think this is living up to the standards you gifted people have established, I still feel filthy now. I think I'll go burn my clothes and cry in the shower for the rest of the day. Also, blatant stealing, plot holes, ripping off and ninja-referencing is intentional. I know, it's kinda obvious but I still feel the need to express this. Holy shit, I hope nobody ever quotes me on this post.