[h3]At Viper Guild Hall[/h3] The arrival of Man Li and Shifter was anything but a happy coincidence as far as Nigel was concerned. They needed to get as much information as they could about the enemy, they were going to encounter at Augustine town and the injured man was the only one who had that information. The logical approach to things would be to first treat the man and prevent any immediate danger to his life and then ask him about the situation back at Augustine. What happened instead was the complete opposite; Shifter just teleported everyone at Augustine, without having formed a strategy or even a simple plan of action - you can't possibly call [i]"finding the demon menace and eradicating it"[/i] a plan. [i][color=00aeef]Idiot[/color][/i] was all that Nigel could mutter at Man-Li before he was teleported away. [h3]At Augustine[/h3] When they arrived at Augustine, Nigel was surprised to see that what he had in his mind was far, [i]far[/i] from reality, concidering the injured man's limited description of what was going on at the town. The sun was up and the people seemed to be fine. There were no traces of destruction, no demons, no nothing. Everything was absolutely fine. [i][color=00aeef]What the...[/color][/i] Nigel thought. He turned and saw everyone that had been teleported along with him. But something was wrong. Everyone was so silent, their eyes gleaming as if being in a trance; [i][color=00aeef]An illusion? But how?[/color][/i] Nigel wondered. Since he was now technically not human, but a sum of millions of nanorobots, his body was immune to any form of illusion. [i][color=00aeef]And what's with this cinnamon smell in the air...wait, smell...could it be that this cinnamon smell causes these illusions? [/color][/i] That's when Nigel felt a strong, magical power growing near him. He turned around and saw Xavier, kneeling in a corner, crying. [i][color=00aeef]What could he possibly be seeing...[/color][/i] Nigel noticed the purple miasma as he made his way towards Xavier but was stopped in his tracks when he heard Reina screaming loudly, so loud that in fact the ground beneath them started cracking. Then he heard another voice, that of Lunar Wolf's Kuroko Nagasai. He was calling out to Xavier to snap out of his illusion. Nigel turned his attention towards Xavier again, only to see something not many people see very often. The magical energy around Xavier had been growing for a while now and suddenly, the miasma around him burst forth, rushing over everything before being sucked back into Xavier's body. After everything had settled, Xavier seemed to have woken up but suddenly he started growling in pain; [b][color=00aeef]"Xavier? Are you alri-"[/color][/b] Nigel couldn't believe in his eyes. The man in front of him was not Xavier as the Xavier he remembered didn't have pitch-black wings coming out of his back nor horns protruding from his forehead. Nigel saw what he could only describe as a demon walking towards where Reina was and decided to act quickly. He quickly entered TM-001 mode and joined his arms together, whereupon the nanorobots started forming an Eternano cannon. The demon seemed to be confused about something. Nigel decided he was going to take this chance and get rid of the monster once and for all. He started charging up [url=http://i1166.photobucket.com/albums/q619/GrandUxbrC/Ren.28Human29.600.1100016.jpg]his cannon.[/url] Nigel was set to kill the demon in front of him...