Darren heard the little girl call to him about not stealing. Darren decided to go to them after he was sure the guards had cleared out. Darren hopped over the houses towards them and clambered down the house closest to them. He looked at the two hugging and decided to pipe up. "Hey umm, thank you for making me invisible." Darren said to the little girl. After the spell wore off he went to Duvessa. "Hey I'm sorry about my... 'arrogance' I suppose from earlier. This kid is incredible, I want to help!" Darren offered. "No tricks, no nothing. Now I don't know about magic but I can get you things promptly with no cost. I have sources I can get some equipment from." Darren explained. "I know some don't see thievery as a honourable thing but if you would give me the moment ma'am, I'm sure I could explain and do the way I was taught. The right way."