As Roland started making his way home, Avery then popped the question on where his parents were and why he is living with a friend while she was following him. Once he heard her, he looked beside him whilst he continued walking to reply to her curiosity. [i]“My parents are usually traveling a lot due to their work and everything. They go just about anywhere, and on occasion, sometimes to come back here and visit.”[/i] While they proceeded, Roland placed his hands on the back of his head to rest while he kept the conversation going. [i]“They did want me to go with them at first….and at first I wanted to. But….well….I didn’t think I could. I thought about it after a while and decided to change my mind, so instead Steven and his parents took me in and I’ve been living with them ever since. They look at me as family, mainly because we’ve known each other for so long.”[/i] A few minutes later, Roland then put his hands back down to realize that they were finally at his house. [i]“Well, here we are. Wasn’t much of a walk, but it usually never is. Now I just hope I have a key.”[/i] Roland approached the door and began to search his pockets in hope that a key with him, but he didn’t. He then tried to see if the door was unlocked to be sure someone was inside, but they weren’t. Then after, Roland realized that he always hid it in a special place where only he would know where it was at. He turned to Avery and asked her a favor. [i]“Hey, can you turn away real quick?”[/i]