I'm going to... err... address the elephant in the room, and just kinda speak my mind here... I found this: [quote=@Ellri] Some notes on Angie's changes, things she's either not noticed yet, or that haven't quite happened yet: Her torso is now roughly twelve centimeters longer than it was prior to the recent transformation. This is to provide room for the extensions to her organs. Six breasts, even small ones, will take more space than two normal-sized ones. We imagine that the extra space on the inside of the ribs, which may eventually grow in to be more numerous, is taken up by a stronger heart and larger lungs primarily. Her feet, while they're not quite like those of humans anymore, are mostly the same, except being tipped by claws. Her heels naturally hover a few centimeters above the ground, but will probably with time shift further up, becoming similar to those of a wolf's hind legs. In essence, her walk will change until it is digitigrade, but for now she can still bend her feet up so that her heels touch the ground. Her ears may have grown faintly pointed now, and will probably have a thin fuzz of furring. Like wolves, she will also eventually prefer a more carnivorous diet rather than the omnivorous diet humans tend to have. But like wolves, she will not be afraid to supplement a meat-rich diet with fruits and vegetables. Her face is still mostly human, but may gain more furring as time passes. While her clothes haven't torn or ripped in any places, they probably won't fit quite right now, especially in the places with significant growth. Note: While the nerves controlling her tail have grown in, she hasn't learned to do so, and the canine instincts for such are still missing. This will cause some strange situations for her. [/quote] Uhh... Creepy. It's so... detailed. Roan's doesn't creep me out, and his is just as detailed, but it doesn't feel... Sexual, I guess. Maybe I'm just looking into it too much, but I don't really see any good reason for six breasts on a character in an RP... unless it's more... er, 'adult'. I mean, I don't know what, if anything, should be done about it, but as someone who's experienced at least a dozen games both online and off that were ruined by creepy fetish-inserts, I feel I should make my feelings... known at least. I mean, it starts small every time, but if these things don't get caught it gets [i]weird...[/i] Maybe this is just me being paranoid, and I admit, I'm probably wrong (Hopefully, anyway), but this sort of thing has happened far too many times for me to simply ignore something like this...