Might as well... Going to do two of these ultimately, one for each of my main characters. For now, since I've got to go work on my RPGC entry, just the one. [b]Aerienna "Aery" Johnson, from my as-yet unpublished series Life of A Spy[/b] Appearance: Aery is short and slender. She's got fairly long, curly brown hair, which she usually keeps braided. Her eyes are pale blue and unnaturally alert, set over a freckled nose and a shy smile. She can usually be found wearing her school uniform, a dark-blue three-quarter-sleeve cardigan and knee-length skirt over a white shirt. She wears silver "geek" glasses that make her eyes look very big. Age: 14 Personality: Aery's the stereotypical band geek; quiet until you get to know her, absolutely madly passionate about music and most of her other classes. She's got another side to her, however. She's got a calculating, analytical mind, that sizes people up and determines how best to ensure their loyalty or how best to break them down. Bio: Aery's a senior at her town's city high school. She's played clarinet since she was five. When she started high school at age 11, she happened to befriend a group of... peculiar... boys. They were spies, on a mission from the United States Department of Homeland Security. They recruited her and trained her and she has since been on many highly successful domestic missions. However, she's also had a couple unsuccessful ones, as a multitude of scars from torture indicate. None of them are usually visible, because of the makeup that she applies to all of her skin. Most noticeable, when she doesn't put the makeup on, are the scars from a bout of suicidal thoughts, which ended in a trip to the emergency room and a month in psychiatric confinement and daily therapy sessions. Skills: An objective, analytical mind that allows her to see the connection between things before anyone else. Weapons: Poisoned mechanical pencil leads (Don't ask. Really, don't ask.) .22 pistol. Armor: Her backpack has a layer of Kevlar in it (to prevent her being shot in the back walking home from school, which happened to one of the clique during the year), as does her cardigan.