Razielle peers out into the hallway, looking at all of the robots in this little casino. She raises her eyebrows and looks around. This robots adapted fast. They were AI! She watches the games for a few moments, noticing the couple litter bots from earlier that had run into the room that she was in before. She smiles at the dancing litter bots. She backs up slowly, hoping that none of the robots notice her before she disappears back into the place. She then hurries back to the window, looking out at the casino. It is possible that there is someone there who could explain to her what is going on and who would not rat her out. If she could find someone drunk enough, then they could tell her what was going on without even knowing what she is! She notices that it is not really raining anymore and she hurries down the steps, making sure to cover every inch of her mechanical parts as much as she can. She hurries out into the street, cringing and jolting a bit as the rain gets into her gears and wires. She hurries to the casino, going under the overhang that stood over the doors. She keeps her head low, pulling her hood up around her face as she walks into the casino. Jazz music pounds into her ears and she jolts again with a malfunction from the rain. Hopefully no one noticed. She walks further into the casino and stares in awe. She has never been inside one before and immediately she does not like it. The smell of smoke is thick in the air and she can't stand it. Though she now is half mechanical, she still has her senses. She looks around the casino floor, looking for a bar area of some kind for her to go towards so she could talk to someone, but she keeps getting shoved around. Suddenly, she gets shoved directly into a blackjack table and stumbles into the seat. Luckily her hood does not fall back but now everyone at the table thinks that she will be joining them. She raises an eyebrow and swallows hard, looking away from the table. She does not have any money. At least she doesn't think she does. She looks around helplessly, curious as what to do in this situation.