APPEARANCE [img][/img] NAME Kyle McCarthy AGE 34 HERITAGE Pure-Blood HOUSE Slytherin PERSONALITY Kyle is protective. He is especially protective of those he cares about, a very small group of people. He's reserved with people he doesn't know well. HISTORY Kyle grew up hearing the stories of the first war through the mouth of people who had followed Voldemort's orders not only willingly, but with glee. The youngest child of two, his older sister was the perfect child. Except for the "minor" case of emotional detachment, and inability to form real relationships. Come the second war Kyle had already chosen sides, the opposite of his family. The falling out resulted in Kyle being disowned, and the eventual death of his mother. After the war Kyle became an Auror and hunted down his sister, his father had been killed at the Battle of Hogwarts. Maggie is still in Azkaban. After Maggie was put away Kyle went to find his oldest friend, Siobhan, they have since rekindled a relationship that had just been budding when the Battle of Hogwarts happened. They are currently trying the whole relationship thing. FAMILIAR N/A WAND Rowan, 11 2/5, stiff, dragon heart-string. "An odd combination for an odd boy" PATRONUS Black panther [img][/img] SPECIAL STUFF -Animagus form is also a black panther (super original Kyle)