Hey everyone. I am so sorry I vanished for like...a really long time! I really am, I had no idea my time would be so eaten. Let me start off by explaining the past 2-3 weeks. Finals came up early because English classes don't really do finals like normal classes, they just tend to make you do revisions on old papers, etc. So I have four classes right? I had to do 2 presentations during which I was horridly sick. So sick that I got very little sleep most nights and wound up losing my voice for two days, during which I still had to give one presentation. Both presentations had weak members and of course I was sick but trying to pull my weight. A week passes and I finally get medication so yay. I'm still fending off the nasty cough but at least my throat no longer feels like it was raped with steel wool. So then I had to do three papers, revise some all while commuting and dealing with the numerous tasks we have to do at home to move since our house is on the market in one week. Now, I haven't moved before but it's been utter hell. The packing, the moving shit, the throwing away, the painting, redoing hardwood floors, tiles, slate etc. My whole bathroom had to be ripped out and redone which took twice as long as planned. So I've been juggling packing/sorting shit/going to look at new apartments (we're downsizing to about a fifth or sixth of what we have now since my parents don't need all the space) at the elderly fancy schmany community. And then I had the health issues and then the poetry class blew up in my face after I spent days working on the final paper only to have him not even grade it because he didn't like my poem and thus my thesis. So I had an emotional breakdown with that, still trying to get the state to pay for my classes in a timely manner so I could sign up for the next one...it's been pretty hellish for me. Then I had gotten a text from a very upset roleplayer on here (understandably but not helpful atm) so I felt even more awful about being so busy. Guilt guilt and more guilt piled up and I've finally been able to submit my final essay this afternoon electronically. On the plus side, if my classes do get paid for, I now have an extra day on the weekends (so I get Fri-Mon + Wed off) and it's only three as opposed to four so I'm not going to take this much until the Fall and by then I should be much closer to campus so hey, less time commuting. So I am really really really horribly sorry. I get to bed early, wake up early, and if I'm lucky, get to watch recorded shows every so often but since we have pretty much everything in our house, in storage. We only have one tv. Sharing a tv is BS. My mom goes to bed early like at 8 in order to get up at 4 AM so if I had time during the night, it would be spent watching tv, logging online (I only have my tablet now since the PC is stored away) but not anymore. We've had to eat out more often these days due to us being tired or parts of the house inaccessible due to construction or whatever. I am still interested, I should have more time these next few days. I really am sorry, this all snowballed at the worst moment (when the IC was to go up) and I really hope you guys are around, because I know we've all put in the effort to get this thing soaring. I hope if there was any drama on your end, that if you wanna vent, feel free. ^^; Again, I feel like utter shit. (plus Top Gear is going through a big "thing" so that really sucks atm too) >___>' *hides in shame*