Instead of getting angry, Zac simply let the small robot rant on his hand, acting like a parent with a misbehaving child. [i]Just let her get it all out of her system,[/i] he says to himself. [i]Helps no one to get angry.[/i] When the pixiebot finally finished, now pouting on his hand, Zac sighs...then smiles. "Listen," he says, "I'm sorry I clipped your antenna and tied your wings together. But, you have to understand where I'm coming from. Even though I have no idea why someone would wanna spy on me or my [i]friend[/i], I can't very well let you go off to report whatever findings you might have. So, let's make a deal." Picking the wire cutters back up, he then says, showing some of the ruthlessness that came with his training, "Tell me who sent you and why, I'll cut the rubber band off. If you don't, I'll still cut the rubber band off...but a good portion of your wings might end up coming off, too."