After a few hours of a bizarre dream of clowns turning into leprechauns riding unicycles Aria's eyes fluttered open. She did a few hard blinks to get her eyes into focus, then remembered she had her black out blinds down and that she was sleeping in the arms of a vampire. She then realised she had moved about in her sleep. She had her head rested on his chest. She moved back slightly and slowly as to not awake him but she wanted to see if she could see his face in this dark. She could make out a little bit as her alarm clock was now glowing. She had it set to only show the time during the day as the light at night would keep her awake otherwise. She smiled softly as she looked him over. She was close enough now to see every little detail on his face, he looked very different from when he was awake. Now Alister looks peaceful and serene. Aria gently lifted her arm up to his face to move a stray hair. There. Better. She smiled then looked at the alarm clock and realised the time. She would end up being late for work if she didnt set off soon. She slowly and carefully escaped his arms and gathered up some clothes and tiptoed out of the room. After getting dressed she wrote a note for Alister for in case he woke up before she got home. 'Gone to class. Be home in a few hours, Aria x' She left the note on a table not too far from the bedroom door before leaving in a hurry for her class.